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Stake Kindoo Manager Instructions

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Meetinghouse Access > Kindoo Overview > Stake Kindoo Manager Instructions

Kindoo Introduction

Kindoo is an electronic building access solution that allows authorized users to unlock a building using their smartphone instead of a physical key or fob. Using this type of system removes the challenge of sharing or transferring keys and improves the security of our meetinghouses.  

Stake Kindoo Manager Responsibilities

The stake Kindoo manager is the stake building representative or another individual that the stake president assigns. He or she will manage building access for the stake in the Kindoo application. Instructions on granting user access as well as details about who will be receiving automatic access can be found below.

Granting User Access

User access is granted through the Kindoo app. Automatic access for certain callings is in development. When this is ready, many callings will automatically gain access as soon as Kindoo is enabled in a stake. See the Callings with Automatic Access document to see a list of callings that, by default, will automatically be granted access.  

If your stake has automatic access set up, you will only need to manually add users/callings who need building access that are not on the Callings with Automatic Access list.

If your stake does not yet have automatic access setup, all callings will need to be added manually in the Kindoo application.  

Other User Access

Some users may require access in addition to those who will automatically be granted access. Below are some examples of individuals that may need building access. These individuals will need to be granted access manually by the stake Kindoo manager.  

  • Members needing repeat access due to a calling not included on the default list  
    • Early-morning seminary teacher (stake calling)  
    • Primary activity day leaders  
    • Counselor in Young Women’s organization  
    • Stake YW athletic directors
  • Members or guests needing access for a series of events
    • Self-reliance courses  
    • Youth basketball practices
    • Weekly community volleyball nights
  • Members or guests needing to unlock a meetinghouse for a single activity or event  
    • Wedding receptions
    • Family parties
    • Blood drives
  • Full-time missionaries in the area (see section below called “Granting Local Full-time Missionaries Access)

These types of users are defined as temporary users.  

Requesting Access Form

In order to simplify the process of individuals requesting access, the stake Kindoo manager may wish to create a form that will collect all the data they will need from the individual. See the link below for an example of a Microsoft Form template that could be used.  

Individuals could also email their Bishopric or ward building representative and the request would be forwarded to the stake Kindoo manager who would grant access.  

Granting Access in Kindoo

Step 1: Ensure there are licenses available  

These users will use one of the additional licenses allocated to each stake not used by individuals on the default callings list. Please use these licenses only as needed. An error will display if there are no licenses available. If you reach that error and feel that your stake needs additional licenses, please consult with your facilities manager (FM).  

Step 2: Define Access Rules

An access rule specifies when a user is able to access a specific building and which door(s) they can access. Here are a few examples:  

  • Access rule 1 = Redmond Ward Meetinghouse  
    • Users can enter the Redmond Ward Meetinghouse Mondays – Sundays between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.  
  • Activity Days Leaders
    • Users can enter the meetinghouse Tuesdays between 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
  • Single-Day Event (Example: a wedding or a blood drive)
    • Users can enter the meetinghouse on Saturday, February 11 between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Examples of access rules.

Creating access schedules before you add additional users helps keep the building secure by only allowing access when it is needed.  

Some access rules will be useful for several individuals and can be used repeatedly. Other access rules should have an expiration date/time to avoid having too many access rules in the app. An example of an access rule that should have an expiration date is if someone is using the building for a wedding. They will only need access for one day, so they don't need a lasting access rule.  

Some access rules will already be created in the Kindoo app. For example, users who gain automatic access based on their calling data in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) will be assigned to an already created access rule.  

Create an Access Rule

To create an access rule, follow these steps:  

  1. Log in to the Kindoo mobile app.  
  2. Click the Home icon at the bottom of the screen and select the Stake/Site you want to add an access rule for.  
  3. Click Access Rules.
  4. Click Add Access Rule at the top of the screen.  
  5. Put in an access rule name at the top of your screen (for example: Red Church General Member Access).
  6. Select how you would like to put in the time periods users are allowed access.  
    • Weekly: Some users, like activity days leaders, may need access every week on a certain day. Select Weekly to allow for access on a certain day each week.  
    • From-To: Select this option for single-event access for events like weddings or blood drives.
  7. Click on the Entry Points tab and select the doors you want guests to access with this access schedule.
  8. Add users. You can either add users from the access rule or add an access rule to an individual user.
    • Adding users from an access rule: Click on the Users tab and toggle the switch on a previously-created user’s card to add them to this access rule.  
    • Adding access rules to a user: From the user’s profile, select Add Access Right at the top of the page. Select the access rule you want that user to have.
  9. Click Save.
Step-by-step instructions for creating access rules.
How to add users to an access rule.
Step 3: Add a User

Note: When adding users, keep in mind that there are a limited number of user licenses. Only give access as needed. If more licenses are needed, please contact your local FM.

After you’ve added access rules, you can add users and select the access rule they will use.  

  1. Click the stake you want to give the individual access to.
  2. Select Users. The app will display a list of authorized users for the stake.  
  3. At the top of the screen, click on Add Users.
  4. Select Add a Single User.
    • You can also add users in bulk by following the prompts in the app, downloading the .CSV template, filling it out with the user data, and then uploading it.
  5. Enter the email address of the user in the text field at the top.
  6. The user role should be Guest.
  7. Put in a description of who the user is. We recommend this naming convention: [Unit Name] - [Calling Name]. Example: Redmond 1st Ward – Bishop.
  8. Click Save.
  9. If the user you are inviting does not have a Kindoo account, Kindoo will confirm that you want to invite them to Kindoo. Click OK.  
  10. You will then be asked if you would like to define the access rights for the user. Click Yes.
  11. If you’d like to add an access rule you’ve already created to this user, select Access Rule and click Next.
  12. Select the access rule(s) you created prior that will allow this user to access the correct building(s) and door(s).  
  13. Click Save and select the back arrow in the upper left corner to leave the screen once you have confirmed everything looks accurate for this user.
Granting Local Full-time Missionaries Access

Each stake Kindoo manager will need to reach out to the missionaries serving their stake and give them building access. Every teaching area for missionaries has a teaching area email. This is the email that should be associated with access to the buildings. Missionaries will log in to Kindoo using that email instead of having to transfer Kindoo access every transfer. The local missionaries know their individual teaching emails and can give you the specific email to add. The teaching emails are formatted like the following:


Resending the Invitation Email

If a user has not accepted the email invite to join Kindoo, there will be an option next to the user’s name to resend the invitation email. Simply click on that button to resend the invitation.  

Further Troubleshooting

See the Kindoo Troubleshooting page.