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Zoom Rooms and Translated Closed Caption Subscription

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Zoom Rooms: Our Meetinghouse-Technology team is actively exploring ways to enhance the Zoom experience in local units, however, the Zoom Room option is not currently available for the Church provided Local Unit Zoom licenses and is not something planned at the moment due to it's low demand. We will continue to assess demand and use cases in hopes of reconsidering it’s inclusion at a later date.

Translated Closed Captioning: Although our local unit Zoom accounts include closed captioning, the ability to translate these captions is not currently available. Due to the limited number of requests and the current quality of machine translation, we have decided not to enable this feature at this time.

We are assessing the demand for translated captions and exploring ways to enhance the quality of machine translation. If your unit requires this feature, please email us at with details about your specific use case. This feature will be reconsidered for inclusion in local unit Zoom accounts by mid-2025.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and the service you provide.