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Zoom FAQ
> Meetinghouse Technology > Virtual Meetings
Zoom is the preferred option for broadcasting local church meetings. The church has made available a free enterprise zoom license to all local units since December of 2020.
The following FAQ will answer many of the frequently-asked-questions that Technology Specialists have on how to use Zoom, and how to transition to Zoom.
Transition to Zoom
Q. How can I transition from using a streaming platform (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) to using Zoom webinar without substantial cost or effort?
A. Units using hardware like cell phones (Larix Broadcaster) or laptops (OBS) can transition easily by installing the Zoom app and selecting the correct audio and video sources. Units with encoders like Teradek can transition by using an HDMI to USB video capture device and a laptop as shown below.
HDMI to USB video capture devices can be purchased for under $50.00. If your system does not carry audio in the HDMI, you can purchase an HDMI capture card that has a built-in 3.5mm audio input. The capture card will allow your existing camera infrastructure to be used within Zoom as the camera source.
It is recommended that local units use an existing laptop if available. If not available, units should purchase a low-cost laptop or use a member-provided laptop.
Units using the Mevo all-in-one camera or similar device may setup the device as a wired webcam.
Church Zoom Account
Q. How do I request a Church-provided Zoom license?
A. To request a Church-provided Zoom license, stake, mission, or district Technology Specialists can acquire licenses for units at The Technology Specialist's calling must be recorded in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) to access the website.
Once on the website, select "Manage" under the "Local Units" option to request or manage Zoom accounts.
The Technology Specialist should provide an email address for the person managing the local unit license. Zoom will then send instructions on how to complete the account setup and activation.
Click Here for more information on creating a Church Zoom Account
Q. What features are included in the Church-provided Zoom license?
A. The Zoom license provided by the Church includes several additional functionalities not included in a free Zoom license, such as the following:
- Concurrent meetings
- Zoom webinar
- Up to 500 connections (meetings and webinars)
- Unlimited meeting length
- Account sharing —The Church’s agreement with Zoom allows the user credentials to be shared within the unit, provided that the account is used only for Church purposes.
A local unit Zoom account would enable local units to:
- Multiple Sunday School classes to be held simultaneously using the breakout room feature.
- Relief Society and Elder’s Quorum Meetings to be held simultaneously.
- Bishopric Meetings and Presidency Meetings to be held simultaneously.
- A running stream used by multiple wards throughout the day for Sacrament Meetings.
- One ward can hold a sacrament meeting while other wards using the same building can hold Bishopric Meetings or other leadership meetings.
- Large Webinars for streaming conferences without the zoom interactive meeting interface.
Click Here for more information on use of Zoom Features and Zoom breakout rooms.
Q. How do I tell if I have a Church-provided Zoom license?
A. Sign into the Zoom account and confirm the following:
- Account name under Account Profile shows “Church of Jesus Christ – local units.”
- Profile section License Type shows “Meeting 500 Participants” and “Webinar 500 Participants.”
If the Zoom account does not match the information above, it is not assigned the Church-provided Zoom licensing.
Q. What do I do if my Zoom account doesn’t have the Church-provided licensing?
A. If the email is assigned to a unit in the Meet portal and has a status of “Setup Complete,” contact the Global Services Department or request assistance through the Meet portal feedback button.
If the email is assigned to a unit in the Meet portal and has a status of “Setup Not Complete,” check the email address inbox for an account activation/transfer email from Zoom. If the activation email was not received, contact the Global Services Department or request assistance through the Meet portal feedback button.
If the email is not assigned to a local unit in the Meet portal, request a license if the stake/district/mission has any remaining available licenses.
Q. Can we get more than one license per unit?
A. In the rare case where a unit requires an additional license, an STS can submit that request through The cost is subsidized by the Area or Stake budget at $90/year per license. Exceptions require detailed justification and approval.
Q. Will previously scheduled meetings be deleted when upgrading to a Church-provided license?
A. No. Meetings and webinars associated with a Zoom account that is upgraded with the Church Zoom licensing will not be deleted or changed.
Q. Can local units get a refund if they already purchased a Zoom license?
A. Yes. If a local unit purchased a Zoom license before Church-provided licenses were available, Zoom can refund the unused balance if the license was not being paid for on a month-to-month basis.
Local units that have already purchased an account directly from Zoom can either keep it or transfer it to a Church account. To transfer the account to the Church provided Zoom accounts, follow the steps outline in the Transferring Zoom Account to Church Zoom Account article.
If you follow the account registration process in and complete the activation email sent by Zoom, but still have a basic account, contact the GSD or submit feedback through the feedback button in the portal.
Q. How do I change the email address associated with a local unit’s Zoom license?
A. Do not change the email address within the Zoom profile on the official Zoom website. Have the Stake Technology Specialist sign into
In the Local Units Box, select “Manage”.
From the list shown, locate the associated Local Unit Zoom account needing the email address changed. Click on the existing email address.
In the box, enter the new email address for that unit’s Zoom account. Click the Update button.
An email will be sent to the new email address to finalize the Local Unit Zoom account activation.
Q. What email address should be provided for Zoom accounts?
A. Use a unique email address for each license. Technology Specialists should manage these accounts and consider using stake Gmail accounts with task-specific sub-accounts for wards or branches.
Click here for more information.
Q. Who has access to manage General Church Zoom accounts for Local Units?
Note: Many local leaders purchased Zoom accounts before General Church Zoom accounts were available. Local units are encouraged to transfer these accounts to a Church Zoom account. These accounts can be managed through
A. The following callings are the only approved users to manage General Church Zoom accounts.
- Stake called Technology Specialist
- District called Technology Specialist
- Mission Technology Specialist
If a Technology Specialist does not have access to then they should contact their Stake Clerk to correct the information recorded in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) and verify they have one of the callings listed above.
If it still doesn't display, try the follow:
- Clear browsers cache and cookies.
- Verify you are using the correct URL of
Q. How do I get the activation email resent?
A, When activating a Local Unit Zoom license, an activation email is sent to the email listed during activation. If the email was never received the Technology Specialist can resend the activation email.
- Go to
- Select Enroll under the Zoom Accounts for Church Units option.
- Find the account that did not receive the activation email and click on "Resend Activation Email".
- An email will be sent to the email address listed.
- Click on the Approve the Request option in the "Zoom Account Invitation" email sent by Zoom.
Using Zoom for Church Meetings
Q. Can you host a webinar and interactive meeting concurrently?
A. No. Local units can either run a single webinar or two concurrent standard Zoom meetings. These limitations include:
- Users cannot host multiple webinars at the same time.
- Users cannot host 1 meeting and 1 webinar at the same time.
- Users with scheduling privilege can manage and act as an alternative host for all meetings.
Q. When a new ward or stake is created, will a new Church-provided Zoom account be available?
A. Yes, accounts are available in the Meet portal based on unit numbers. It may take up to a week for the license to appear after a new unit is created.
Q. What is the suggested platform for events requiring over 500 connections, such as Stake Conference, Regional Conference, Firesides, etc.?
A. Use Zoom for moderation and redirect overflow participants to YouTube Live for larger events like Stake or Regional Conferences. Zoom allows speaker management via a waiting area.
Click Here for the “Zoom for Stake Conference” article.
Click here for the “YouTube-Live stream setup” article.
Q. What can replace the webcast webpage that hosts the links?
A. To more easily inform Church members about local Zoom broadcasts, event created using a Church Zoom license are now automatically imported into the Church Meet "Events" section. This allows event managers to view and publish their scheduled local Zoom events onto the Church's public "Broadcast" page alongside all Church broadcasts at Local events will only be visible to members within their designated unit and when they are logged in. Click HERE for more instructions.
Q. What support is provided for Zoom meetings?
A. Local units are encouraged to use online resources provided by Zoom for training and troubleshooting.
Technology specialists who have problems with the license portal ( Should contact the Global Service Department (GSD), email, or submit feedback using the ‘Feedback’ button on the meet-portal.
For questions regarding the use of the Meet Portal, please refer to the Meet Portal FAQ article.