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Tech Area Full-time Missions

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Full-Time Mission Service If you desire to serve a Church-service mission, you can become a Tech Missionary. Tech missions are ideal for worthy people who work or have worked in the IT industry. You may be a young or young-at-heart tech expert who is worthy to serve a proselyting mission, but can not. You could also be retired or on a leave of absence and looking for an opportunity to serve a mission. This could be a welcome place to serve. Please complete the Tech Missionary and Service Opportunities form to let Tech know of your interest in serving a mission.

Current Full-time missionary opportunities

The latest Church-service missionary opportunities are listed on To view the opportunities, on go to Resources > Missionary > Church-Service Missionaries, then click Browse All Opportunities. Or go directly to In the Select an Interest dropdown box, select Information Technology and Computer Science.

For convenience, the following list shows the available Church-service missionary opportunities. Each of these opportunities links to the site listed above.

Tech Church-service Missionary:A01

If you have another IT skill and would still like to serve, there may be opportunities available as well.


Candidates for each role can work remotely or on site in the Riverton Office Building, depending on proximity.

Time commitments

Time commitments can be 6, 12, or 18 months. At the end of the term of service, you can extend the missionary commitment to continue serving.


The skills required to serve a Tech mission vary based on the opportunity. See the opportunity descriptions for each advertised position. Senior couples with varying technical skills are especially welcome. Many times one person may serve in one role on a project (for example, project leader) while the spouse serves in another role (for example, tester).

Language requirements

At this time, a Tech mission requires the ability to speak English. We apologize to anyone that this disqualifies.

Application process

Please complete the Tech Missionary and Service Opportunities form to let Tech know of your interest in serving a mission. When you fill out this form, Tech can help you through the mission process. If you have questions about a Tech mission, please send an email to If you prove to be a good fit for one of these positions, you will then complete the Church-service missionary application process. This process is described on the Church-Service Missionaries page on In summary, the application process is as follows:

  1. First, you complete the Recommendation Form for Church-service Missionaries.
  2. Upon receiving the completed recommendation forms, the bishop certifies your worthiness and concurs with the selected choice for service. He then signs the form and forwards it to the stake president.
  3. The stake president interviews you for worthiness, signs the recommendation form, and forwards it to the local Church-service missionary coordinator's office for review, for entry into the database, and for authorization to extend the call.
  4. The coordinator advises the stake president by letter when the processing is complete, and the stake president extends the call to the member. The stake president authorizes the bishop to set the new missionary apart.
  5. Church-service missionaries should then contact the operation where they will be serving. They are supervised and trained under the direction of the operation in which they serve. The stake president and bishop remain the ecclesiastical leaders for the member.

Note: To submit your Church-service mission application you must both fax it to 801-240-1726 and e-mail the PDF to Also remember to have your stake president or bishop keep a copy for you.


If you've inquired about a mission or already submitted your papers and haven't heard back from Tech yet, please be patient. As we work to manage the numerous inquiries for Tech Church-service missions, we have found more interest than we have current opportunities for. This has been a pleasant surprise. More opportunities are being created on a regular basis. We will continue to do our best to match current opportunities with those who have matching skills and availability.

Most importantly, if you feel prompted to serve, don’t wait for us -– reach out and remind us of your desire to serve. When you do, please include a brief description of your availability and technical experience and skills. Many opportunities require service to be done at the Riverton, UT office building. If you have strong interest in one of the following opportunities, please let one of us know.

  • Testers
  • Software Developers
  • Interaction Designers
  • Writers
  • Project Managers
  • Business Analysts

If you are not able to serve at the Riverton Office Building, but are still interested in an Tech Church-service mission, please be patient with us as we try to find more opportunities to serve from home. These opportunities will grow over time and we are excited about the growth.

Requesting a Church-service missionary

If you're an ICS employee and would like to request a Church-service missionary for your group or department, send the position details and requirements to Tech administrators will post the details on the Church-service missionary opportunity page, this wiki page, and will include it in articles and newsletters to find the right person for the position.

Questions and contacts

If you need more information about Church-service missionary opportunities, contact Elder Craig Chapman, zone leader for Tech missionaries, at

Note: You can talk to someone directly about a Tech Church-service Mission by calling: +1-801-240-7373 or sending an email to

Additional reading

The following articles provide more information about Tech Church-service missions.