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Should you order a Chromebook or a Windows Computer

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Units may order either device when it is time to replace the current clerk computer.  

A Chromebook is the preferred device for units that use the device primarily to access and use Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR). Open-source productivity software can be installed on a Chromebook for word processing and spreadsheet tasks. Also, not all printers are compatible with the Chromebook Operating System. Follow this link to verify that your current printer is compatible.

A Windows Computer should be ordered when in addition to the Chromebook requirements stated above, the unit is using the device for activities not supported on a Chromebook. An example would be streaming Church meetings, having an incompatible printer, etc.  

Please consult with other computer users prior to making your decision and make sure to communicate your choice to your Stake or District Technology Specialist who will communicate with the Facility Manager.