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Data structure (Gospel Library for JavaME)

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Current anticipated format:

Tiny Text Format

Simple separate stripped down XML files that look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tn>Chapter 1</tn>
    <h>Abraham seeks the blessings of the patriarchal order—He is persecuted by false priests in 
      Chaldea—Jehovah saves him—The origins and government of Egypt are reviewed.</h>
    <v n="1">In the land of the Chaldeans, at the residence of my fathers, I, Abraham, saw that it 
      was needful for me to obtain another place of residence;</v>
    <v n="2">And, finding there was greater happiness and peace and rest for me, I sought for the 
      blessings of the fathers, and the right whereunto I should be ordained to administer the same; 
      having been myself  follower of righteousness, desiring also to be one who possessed great knowledge,
      and to be a greater follower of righteousness, and to possess a greater knowledge, and to be a father
      of many nations, a prince of peace, and desirin to receive instructions, and to keep the commandments
      of God, I became a rightful heir, a High Priest, holding the right belonging to the fathers.</v>

Small Text Format

Small XML files that look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tn>Chapter 1</tn>
    <h>Abraham seeks the blessings of the patriarchal order—He is persecuted by false priests in
      Chaldea—Jehovah saves him—The origins and government of Egypt are reviewed.</h>
    <v n="1">In the land of the <n r="a">Chaldeans</n>, at the residence of my fathers, I, <n r="b">Abraham</n>,
      saw that it was needful for me to obtain another place of <n r="c">residence</n>;</v>
    <v n="2">And, finding there was greater <n r="a">happiness</n> and peace and rest for me, I sought for the
      blessings of the fathers, and the right whereunto I should be ordained to administer the same; having been 
      myself a follower of <n r="b">righteousness</n>, desiring also to be one who possessed great 
      <n r="c">knowledge</n>, and to be a greater follower of righteousness, and to possess a greater knowledge,
      and to be a father of many <n r="d">nations</n>, a prince of peace, and <n r="e">desiring</n> to receive
      instructions, and to keep the commandments of God, I became a rightful heir, a <n r="f">High Priest</n>,
      holding the right belonging to the fathers.</v>
    <sn r="1a">
      <p><sr b="abr" c="1" v="20" cx="20-30">Abr. 1:20 (2-30)</sr>; 
         <sr b="abr" c="2" v="4" cx="1,4">2:4 (1, 4)</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="1b">
      <p><sr b="gen" c="11" v="26" cx="10-26">Gen. 11:26 (10-26)</sr>; 
         <sr b="hel" c="8" v="18" cx="16-19">Hel. 8:18 (16-19)</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="1c">
      <p><sr b="acts" c="7" v="3" cx="2-4">Acts 7:3 (2-4)</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="2a">
      <p><sr b="tg" t="happiness">TG Happiness</sr>; 
         <sr b="tg" t="priesthood-qualifying-for">Priesthood, Qualifying for</sr>;
         <sr b="tg" t="rest">Rest</sr>; <sr b="tg" t="righteousness">Righteousness</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="2b">
      <p><sr b="tg" t="god-the-standard-of-righteousness">TG God, the Standard of Righteousness</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="2c">
      <p><sr b="prov" c="19" v="2">Prov. 19:2</sr>; <sr b="dc" c="42" v="61">D&amp;C 42:61</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="2d">
      <p><sr b="gen" c="12" v="2">Gen. 12:2</sr>; <sr b="gen" c="17" v="6">17:6</sr>; 
      <sr b="gen" c="18" v="18">18:18</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="2e">
      <p><sr b="gen" c="13" v="4">Gen. 13:4</sr>.</p></sn>
    <sn r="2f">
      <p><sr b="tg" t="high-priest-melchizedek-priesthood">TG High Priest—Melchizedek Priesthood</sr>; 
         <sr b="tg" t="priesthood-history-of">Priesthood, History of</sr>; 
         <sr b="tg" t="priesthood-melchizedek">Priesthood, Melchizedek</sr>.</p></sn>

Tiny TOC Format

This will be parsed by the app to obtain a "menu"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<toc l="Pearl of Great Price">
  <n l="Introduction" p="1.xml"/>
  <n l="Moses" p="moses/">
    <n l="1" p="moses/1.xml"/>
    <n l="2" p="moses/2.xml"/>
    <n l="3" p="moses/3.xml"/>
    <n l="4" p="moses/4.xml"/>
    <n l="5" p="moses/5.xml"/>
    <n l="6" p="moses/6.xml"/>
    <n l="7" p="moses/7.xml"/>
    <n l="8" p="moses/8.xml"/>
  <n l="Abraham" p="abr/">
    <n l="1" p="abr/1.xml"/>
    <n l="2" p="abr/2.xml"/>
    <n l="3" p="abr/3.xml"/>
    <n l="4" p="abr/4.xml"/>
    <n l="5" p="abr/5.xml"/>
  <n l="Joseph Smith-Matthew" p="js-m/1.xml"/>
  <n l="Joseph Smith-History" p="js-h/1.xml"/>
  <n l="Articles of Faith" p="a-of-f/1.xml"/>

Small TOC Format

This will be parsed by the app to obtain a "menu"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<toc l="Pearl of Great Price">
  <n l="Introduction" p="1.xml"/>
  <n l="Moses" p="moses/">
    <n l="Chapter 1" p="moses/1.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 2" p="moses/2.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 3" p="moses/3.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 4" p="moses/4.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 5" p="moses/5.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 6" p="moses/6.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 7" p="moses/7.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 8" p="moses/8.xml"/>
  <n l="Abraham" p="abr/">
    <n l="Chapter 1" p="abr/1.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 2" p="abr/2.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 3" p="abr/3.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 4" p="abr/4.xml"/>
    <n l="Chapter 5" p="abr/5.xml"/>
  <n l="Joseph Smith-Matthew" p="js-m/1.xml"/>
  <n l="Joseph Smith-History" p="js-h/1.xml"/>
  <n l="Articles of Faith" p="a-of-f/1.xml"/>