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Church Zoom License
> Meetinghouse Technology > Virtual Meetings
In December 2020, the Church announced the availability of one Zoom license for each stake, ward, branch, mission, and district. These licenses can be acquired from the Church by stake, district, and mission technology specialists through To access this website, the technology specialist’s calling must be recorded in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR).
Local units are encouraged to use the Church-provided Zoom licenses if needed. The Zoom license provided by the Church represents significant cost savings to the Church and includes additional functionality such as the following:
- Concurrent meetings
- Zoom webinar
- Up to 500 connections (meetings and webinars)
- Unlimited meeting length
- Account sharing—The Church’s agreement with Zoom allows the user’s credentials to be shared within the unit, provided that the account is used only for Church purposes.
Best Practices
For example, the local unit’s Zoom account would enable the following:
- Multiple Sunday School classes to be held simultaneously
- Relief Society and elders quorum meetings to be held simultaneously
- Bishopric meetings and presidency meetings to be held simultaneously
- A running stream used by multiple wards throughout the day for sacrament meetings
- One ward can hold a sacrament meeting while other wards using the same building a can hold bishopric meetings or other leadership meetings.
Activating the Account
Go to Here you will be able to request or manage Zoom accounts by selecting "Manage" under the "Local Units" option.
Once in the Zoom portal, set up each local unit account by selecting the stake, district, ward, branch, or mission for which the new license will apply. Provide an email account of the person who will be managing the local unit license. That email address could be an individual or a unit email address (e.g. [[1]]).
Zoom will email instructions on how to complete the account setup and activation after properly requesting the account in the portal.