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Accessing Meetinghouses with Kindoo Members and Guests

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Meetinghouse Access > Kindoo Overview > Accessing Meetinghouses with Kindoo Members and Guests


Kindoo is an electronic building access app that allows users to enter a building using a smartphone. Using Kindoo enhances the security of our meetinghouses by providing a simpler way for leaders to manage who has access.

Getting Started

  1. Open Your Kindoo Invitation Email: Wait until you receive an email inviting you to download the Kindoo app; this should come to the email associated with your Church account. Then click the link in the email to download the app from your phone’s app store.
  2. Install the App: Follow the app store instructions, then open the Kindoo app on your phone.
  3. Allow Necessary Permissions: Enable access to your device’s location and Bluetooth to connect to nearby doors.
  4. Sign In: When prompted, enter the email address that the Kindoo invitation was sent to. Then, on the sign-in page, use your Church account credentials to verify access.
Step-by-step screenshots for downloading the Kindoo application.
Step-by-step screenshots for downloading the Kindoo application.

Opening Doors:

  1. Near the building entrance, open the Kindoo app on your phone.
  2. Locate accessible doors by clicking on the Wi-Fi symbol in the bottom-left corner of the app.
  3. Stand 3–5 feet from the door and tap Open on the screen.
Opening Doors in Kindoo
Step-by-step instructions for opening doors with Kindoo.


  • Door Won’t Open? Ensure you’re close to the door equipped with Kindoo (look for the sticker). Try turning Bluetooth off and back on, or restarting the Kindoo app.
  • Access Denied? Contact your local leader to confirm access permissions.
  • Connection Issues? Confirm that your phone’s data or Wi-Fi is on and try again.

For additional troubleshooting information, see the Kindoo Troubleshooting page.