What happened to all presentations, favorites, playlists, etc.?

Discussions related to the Gospel Media App - formerly called LDS Media Library (all platforms)
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What happened to all presentations, favorites, playlists, etc.?

Post by rleyre »

Something happened to Gospel Media since I have last used it. My wife and I can't seem to login any longer since the last update. We have lost all of our presentations, playlists, downloads, and favorites. Are others experiencing the same behavior? If you create something on your phone how will you see it on our other devices? Any help would be appreciated. I have been called as our Ward Technology Specialist and I was going to do a presentation on the use of Gospel Media because not a lot of members even know about it and how powerful it can be. I don't want to waste their time and mine if this isn't going to be supported much and has lost features like it seems to have. Any thoughts on future use and support?
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Re: What happened to all presentations, favorites, playlists, etc.?

Post by sbradshaw »

I would recommend sending feedback under Settings > Feedback. Gospel Media is being phased out and replaced with Gospel Stream – but you should let them know in feedback that you lost your data, and see if there's anything they can do. That's no fun. :(
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.

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