Unable to manage calendars as ward clerk (among other issues)

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Unable to manage calendars as ward clerk (among other issues)

Post by jay.anderson »

Looking through some of the threads here there are a number of issues with the calendar upgrade. Here's what I'm experiencing.

- I am no longer able to manage calendars as the ward clerk. Am I missing how this is done?
- Notification emails are in UTC rather than in the local timezone. The time in the email does not display the timezone making it more confusing.
- We're receiving duplicate reminder email. I believe this has now been corrected in more recent email notifications.
- Formatting in the new notification emails was incorrect. The primary issue is newlines were removed so the text is jumbled together. Is there anything we can do to get formatting back (e.g. markdown, html tags, something else)? We use the for the sacrament meeting agendas. We need to be able to create new lines.
- The agenda view is missing. I see other threads requesting this as well.
- We are unable to print the calendar. This is related to the agenda view - we often use this on Sundays for the bishopric to have the full agenda in front of them.

My questions:
- Are there time frames on fixing any of the above issues. The inability to manage calendars is the major issue.
- Can we opt-out of the current upgrade until the issues are addressed. I like the direction it's going in (the UI feels more usable in general), but it feels partially baked at the moment.
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Re: Unable to manage calendars as ward clerk (among other issues)

Post by russellhltn »

jay.anderson wrote: Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:02 pm - I am no longer able to manage calendars as the ward clerk. Am I missing how this is done?
Not implemented yet. If you have an urgent issue with calendar management, you can use the floating feedback tab on the right side to ask for staff to make the changes.

jay.anderson wrote: Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:02 pm - Notification emails are in UTC rather than in the local timezone. The time in the email does not display the timezone making it more confusing.
They're aware of it. I'm not sure where it sits in the priority queue.

jay.anderson wrote: Sat Nov 26, 2022 9:02 pm My questions:
- Are there time frames on fixing any of the above issues. The inability to manage calendars is the major issue.
- Can we opt-out of the current upgrade until the issues are addressed. I like the direction it's going in (the UI feels more usable in general), but it feels partially baked at the moment.
There is no time frame and I highly doubt if there is a way to opt out as there was no staged rollout. Any kind of op out would have required development that would have detracted from the main goal. This update was rushed due to a security issue in the old system. Missing items will be added, but no time frame given. Nor would I trust a time frame since they nearly always get pushed back. (I was given a time frame for deployment of "September", then "after General Conference", finally Nov 15th. In my experience this is not unusual for church projects.)
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Unable to manage calendars as ward clerk (among other issues)

Post by jay.anderson »

Thanks for the response. I'll go through the feedback tab for now for managing calendars.
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Re: Unable to manage calendars as ward clerk (among other issues)

Post by ryangolding »

I have also used the feedback option in the calendar. Hoping for a quick turnaround. We have not been able to schedule the building or see the building schedule for a couple of weeks.
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Re: Adding Building Scheduler at ward level

Post by jkcarpenter »

Have released the old Building Scheduler and set apart a new one
It has been over almost a year and they still can't add items to the Calendar- Not Authorized
Under gears for calendar is Building Scheduler- who can be added by the Executive Sec (Me) or a member of the Bishopric- but when click on it never loads
Does this have to be done at the Stake Level? Also question as to which Building (1-6) is actually our Ward
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Re: Adding Building Scheduler at ward level

Post by russellhltn »

Please see Building Schedulers
jkcarpenter wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 1:07 am It has been over almost a year and they still can't add items to the Calendar- Not Authorized
"Building schedulers are responsible for overseeing events related to their assigned location, but they do not schedule stake or ward events."

Each unit schedules their own events.

jkcarpenter wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 1:07 am Under gears for calendar is Building Scheduler- who can be added by the Executive Sec (Me) or a member of the Bishopric- but when click on it never loads
Does this have to be done at the Stake Level? Also question as to which Building (1-6) is actually our Ward
"A stake calendar administrator, such as the stake clerk or stake executive secretary, assigns building schedulers in the calendar system to oversee locations. It is not enough to put their calling in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR)."
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.

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