Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

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Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by jerryhale »


I created the attached text file for those making the ward bulletins, who need links to the hymns, with links that will open on a smart phone. I did NOT link the URL to the hymn number yet.

Each line has "HYMN #" "HYMN NAME" "LINK"
001 The Morning Breaks https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/stu ... s?lang=eng

Note that there are two lists in the txt file-- the first is for deep links for the GOSPEL LIBRARY app, and the second list shows the links to the WEB BROWSER version (in case you need to play the hymn from that location).

Also, note that if you change the 'lang' variable, it will provide an alternate language. THIS WORKS MORE OPTIMALLY FOR THE WEB BROWSER LINKS.
Tagalog: TGL
Spanish: SPA
Vietnamese: VIE

So the Tagalog link to the WEB BROWSER hymn "The Morning Breaks" is:
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/mus ... s?lang=tgl

It will work in the GOSPEL LIBRARY APP as well, and it will even prompt you to download the specific language if you haven't already.
Note, however that you'd need to set your default language to that (example: to Tagalog, as opposed to English) to view the hymn in that specific language.
Example: Gospel Library app Link for Tagalog:
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/stu ... s?lang=tgl

Best Regards,
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Re: Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by sbradshaw »

Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by BrianEdwards »

Just for my clarity: this is intended for electronic ward bulletins that members pull up on their phones, as opposed to trying to use this somehow for printed bulletins, correct? That's what I understand, just want to be sure I didn't miss something...
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Re: Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by jerryhale »

Hello, Yes, this is for Electronic Ward Bulletins.
Our ward is currently transitioning to a Google DOC (a 5x8" Word Doc copied over to Google docs), and the hyperlinks will come in handy there. We found that the 5x8" size displays best on smart phones.
We are still printing out a small number of Sunday programs, but are hoping that most of the congregation transitions over to the digital version.
The same document link will continue to be used and that Google Doc will be updated weekly, with a QR code (which points to the online document) at the end of the program and on a posterboard in the foyer.
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Re: Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by russellhltn »

jerryhale wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 8:54 am The same document link will continue to be used and that Google Doc will be updated weekly,
I understand why you're doing that, but keep in mind that it does pose a security risk. Anyone who attends one time can now get weekly programs, learning names and upcoming activities. Quite the treasure trove for a predator. Rare, but not unheard of.

Back in v1 of the Local Unit websites, the church cautioned us to keep youth events off the public main page. The current calendar system doesn't have any pubic page. Only the bishop's information is publicly available via the meetinghouse locator.

In looking for guidance, I found Updated Security Guidelines for Church Meetings and Events
Keep Church information secure. Avoid taking photographs of sensitive locations (such as offices), posting anyone’s personal information, or sharing interview schedules online, except through approved Church resources for this information
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by sbradshaw »

russellhltn wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 11:58 am
jerryhale wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 8:54 am The same document link will continue to be used and that Google Doc will be updated weekly,
I understand why you're doing that, but keep in mind that it does pose a security risk. Anyone who attends one time can now get weekly programs, learning names and upcoming activities. Quite the treasure trove for a predator. Rare, but not unheard of.
When it comes to security, it seems like the pros and cons of using the same link each week might cancel out. If a different link is used each week, that implies that the old programs are still available online, and someone could access and analyze them all at once. But if the same link is used, then effectively the old program is deleted each week, and anyone trying to get long-term data about the ward is out of luck. Either of those protections – a changing link, or changing content – would hopefully help dissuade someone with bad intent.

Thankfully, there's not much an outsider could do with links to hymns. :) Hopefully bulletin creators are wise when it comes to other information.
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Re: Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by lajackson »

If this is really a concern, changing the URL less often than weekly is also an option, perhaps monthly or quarterly. On the other hand, each time you change the URL, you have to notify the members once again.
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Re: Gospel Library HYMN LINKS for Ward Bulletin

Post by russellhltn »

sbradshaw wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 5:22 pm If a different link is used each week, that implies that the old programs are still available online, and someone could access and analyze them all at once.
It depends on if the link includes something like a GUID making it hard for an attacker to guess the other links, or if they are even left online in the first place.

I'd think it would be easier to train members to scan the code every week instead of every Fast Sunday (or whatever other interval is used).
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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