Church Magazine Pages

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Church Magazine Pages

Post by Eliassanderson »

The friend website used to be more fun.

There was "Spot the Differences" and "Spot the similarities," and they were all under a section titled "games and activities"
That was really fun. Wherever did it go? There were puzzles and "find the hidden objects."

I suppose they were taken away because kids were using it as a gaming website.

I suppose this is a nostalgia post. Will they ever come back?

On a side note, The Matt and Mandy comics are getting blander. Check the oldest ones. Other people are of that opinion as well. And they were good! What happened?

Yes, a thirteen- year old wrote this. Don't judge.
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Re: Church Magazine Pages

Post by russellhltn »

I'd suggest using the Submit an Article or Feedback to get your feedback to the proper people. This forum is primarily user-to-user and things posted here usually don't make it to the people who make decisions.
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Re: Church Magazine Pages

Post by sbradshaw »

I found "Spot the Differences" via ... s?lang=eng
It looks like it was built with Flash, so it no longer works. They would have to rebuild it from scratch using a new technology stack.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.

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