70 language live speech to text app

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70 language live speech to text app

Post by alexmatheson »

Search for Google live transcribe app.

It is a live speech to text app with recognition in 70 languages at Google Play. Wow!
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Re: 70 language live speech to text app

Post by russellhltn »

You mileage may vary.

When I inquired with my bishop about how an absent language group was doing, he indicated that they were watching the webcast and using a translation app. The results were good enough that when the resumed live attendance, they intended to keep using the app instead of the translation headsets.

However, when I tried to use Live Transcribe in sacrament meeting, the results were horrid. And that's just transcribing spoken English to English text before any translation. I'm thinking the sound in the chapel may be too echo-y for it to work.

I think I had better results when it first came out. It did ok, but it struggled a bit with church-specific terms and phrases.

Definitely test before making plans around it.
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Re: 70 language live speech to text app

Post by alexmatheson »

It is designed for Deaf/Hard of hearing to stay in the loop of small group settings with hearing people talking. I was amazed at the number of languages.

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