Music Conductor App and connected digital organs

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Music Conductor App and connected digital organs

Post by guide100782 »

This post is to recommend development of a Mobile device app that can be used in church services to replace the need for a trained organist. As organ playing becomes a less common skill, having a digital replacement will allow the traditional organ sound to still accompany singing.

The goal is to allow a chorister to conduct the music to the audience as they normally would with one hand, while easily manipulating the play back of a hymn on a mobile device with the other hand (e.g. using simple simple taps or slides to start, stop, and even retard, accelerate, sustain, increase volume, etc... )

Level 1: The app plays back hymns in typical mp3 format which is then conveyed to the room's sound system via wiring or bluetooth
Level 2: Create ability to use currently installed electric organs for their authentic sound, but to play the hymns via direction of a moble app (a "player piano" style via an app).

I don't have any programming ability or expertise myself, just this idea to contribute.

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Re: Music Conductor App and connected digital organs

Post by grahammrose »


I have set up a device similar to what you are describing in my ward.
It is a Raspberry Pi 3 with a small touch screen display and a USB to MIDI converter.
The Pi runs a web interface to let you select hymns to play. These are sent to the meeting house organ using the MIDI interface and the organ plays the music (you still have to choose your stops on the organ though!)
You can access the web interface via a smartphone thus allowing you to start the organ playing from across the room.
It is not so great for congregational singing as the tempo is fixed by how I have edited and arranged the MIDI files, but it is great for prelude.

Feel free to quiz me on the setup and I can let you know more details.

Bridgend Ward, Cardiff Wales Stake
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Re: Music Conductor App and connected digital organs

Post by mevans »

Several years ago, our stake put on a musical and we licensed the canned orchestra music through a system like this. The system could do a lot of things, including alter the tempo, change the key, etc. I don't know how all of it works. There was a small keyboard that a pianist could use to do certain things with the music.

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