Pre-scheduling disabling and enabling access points

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Pre-scheduling disabling and enabling access points

Post by danpass »

I would love to see the ability in TM to set a date and time for the access points in a building to automatically be disabled, and later, automatically be re-enabled.

We've come a long way from the days that we had to physically disconnect and reconnect APs. I'm grateful that with a couple of clicks for each building, I can get to the access point list and with a single click, disable or enable all the APs.

The times before and after a webcast are busy. It would be great to be able to setup the AP blackout time in advance and have one less thing to deal with, when we're in the thick of things.

I'll submit this as feedback also.
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Re: Pre-scheduling disabling and enabling access points

Post by danpass »

I received a response from Meetinghouse IT Support for the feedback I submitted:
Currently, the ability to schedule access points is in beta testing and not currently open for Stake Technology Specialists to schedule. Keep an eye out for this ability to become available in the future.
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Re: Pre-scheduling disabling and enabling access points

Post by bartj »

Scheduling APs is now available in TM as a beta release. Go into TM and look under the APs associated with your firewall and you'll see what functionality is available. This wasn't built as a tool to pre-schedule APs for webcasts, it was developed to address "after hours" unauthorized use of the network, but you could schedule your APs a week prior to your event if you'd like. Just remember to take the scheduler off after the webcast or you'll get a bunch of complaints the following Sunday when your APs turn off. :) There is a feedback button at the bottom of the scheduler. Use this to submit additional feature enhancements. Thanks!
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Re: Pre-scheduling disabling and enabling access points

Post by autryld »

Although the post clearly states that this is not a tool to "pre-schedule AP for webcasts", I can't think of any other use for a scheduler. I don't anticipate the need to disable AP access except for webcasts. Perhaps others may suggest why this is needed.

I provided similar feedback via the button at the bottom of the scheduler.

Larry Autry
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Re: Pre-scheduling disabling and enabling access points

Post by russellhltn »

autryld wrote:Although the post clearly states that this is not a tool to "pre-schedule AP for webcasts", I can't think of any other use for a scheduler. I don't anticipate the need to disable AP access except for webcasts. Perhaps others may suggest why this is needed.
The scheduler is a week-long timer and repeats every week. As such, it's timing doesn't match up with a Webcast that well.

Some locations have problems with neighbors or people hanging out in the parking lot using the WiFi. This would discourage that as you can shut off the WiFi when the church is not likely in use. The default schedule is 6AM-9PM Sunday, and then 5PM-10PM Tuesday though Saturday. Unless I'm missing something, I doesn't look like it accommodates Seminary.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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