Mormon Channel for Android TV

Any discussions around the Mormon Radio Channel App on various mobile and electronic devices
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Mormon Channel for Android TV

Post by MatthewGarbett »

Google has recently upgraded Android to include a new form factor and platform called Android TV. This is new and different then Google TV which has now been retired. Android TV is going to be upgraded and maintained with the Android as a whole. Similar to tablets apps can be updated to include an interface for Android TV which doesn't have a touch screen but uses remotes, controllers, and voice as controls. There is very good documentation on how to update an app to be Android TV compatible. There are several devices on the market already including the Nexus Player and several new smart TVs. Anyways I would love to see the Mormon Channel updated to be Android TV compatible with video recommendations and other feature to put the gospel at the for front of peoples TVs. I would love to help test the app once development has started since I own a Nexus Player. Here is a link to more information.
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Re: Mormon Channel for Android TV

Post by revoman »

I too have purchased an Android TV device in the form of the Nvidia Shield TV. I see that this post is old, but have hopes of seeing the Mormon Channel updated to work on the Android TV platform.

As a developer I would be willing to beta test and report my experiences.
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Re: Mormon Channel for Android TV

Post by trevorh »

This isn't the Mormon Channel, but if anyone's interested there's a FairMormonTV app available: ...

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