Mormon Channel and iOS 8 problems

Any discussions around the Mormon Radio Channel App on various mobile and electronic devices
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Mormon Channel and iOS 8 problems

Post by rklindquist »

Since updating various iDevices to iOS 8, both the Mormon Channel app for iOS and the website stall after 10-15 minutes of streaming.

I have not done any focused troubleshooting. I've just noticed this on various iPhones and iPads since my wife and kids have also updated iOS.

I did try the common shut down of the app and a shut down of the iDevice. The same stalling occurs regardless.

Thinking that the website shouldn't be susceptible to iOS updates like the app, I've tried streaming through Safari. Same stalling occurs.

Sometimes there is a "media error" message and sometimes it just stops streaming, even though the app or web show the play button as active.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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Re: Mormon Channel and iOS 8 problems

Post by bryanwilson »

Yes, I just noticed this same problem this last weekend.
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Re: Mormon Channel and iOS 8 problems

Post by brandtf »

I'm seeing the same "Media Error" problem every time I listen to the Mormon Channel Radio stream, so the problem is 100% reproducible and not intermittent. It usually occurs after about 15 minutes of streaming. I'm using an iOS 8 iPhone.

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