Directions to find a very specific place on any website

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Directions to find a very specific place on any website

Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

How does one give directions to find a specific place on a website? Are there established symbols, guidelines, or protocols? Lets say I want to give you directions of how to find this post/thread. I don't want to simply copy and past the link for you, because I want to teach you how to navigate and find this resource so that I have taught you how to find this on your own, and in the future to find a website that you will need to go to and use and interact with and improve your life and goals. (Sorry this thread is not up to this high expectation) Instead of giving a long list of go to, click on this and then click on the drop down menu and choose this, and then you go to the upper right hand corner and choose and the click on.

So to find this thread I might give the following directions: Google, sign in(right top corner), use your account log in, on the upper ribbon click on forums, scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the last section heading "Help & feed back" Click on the 1st topic "Help with", next scroll through or search for "Direction to find a very specific place on any website." click on this heading, please read the heading. and give me a response.

This seems very long and tidius to take the time to write out. surely someone has developed a standard of how to eliminate much of the words in the paragraph, put in some symbols for click or drop down menu etc. I think that I have seen, been given this, but do not remember it.

Can someone give me some tools?
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Re: Directions to find a very specific place on any website

Post by russellhltn »

I tend to use a ">" between steps. So for example, > "Help & Feedback" > "Help with" > "Direction to find a very specific place on any website"
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Directions to find a very specific place on any website

Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

russellhltn wrote:I tend to use a ">" between steps. So for example, > "Help & Feedback" > "Help with" > "Direction to find a very specific place on any website"

Thank you.
So a couple of places that I am thinking of using this would be in e-mails and written instructions in giving directions to members and leaders on how to use the tools. I probably would get lazy and skip the quotes. I am guessing that would not be to serious.

I also am considering using it as a source for my published source on family tree, do you have an opinion or guidance? I will also ask some FHL consultants.
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Re: Directions to find a very specific place on any website

Post by sbradshaw »

I use the same format as russellhltn to show which links or buttons to press to get to a web page.
Using specific instructions, instead of just providing a link, does help people remember how to get places better. It also makes more sense when the instructions are on paper (it can be tedious to type a long web page address.

For getting to this forum thread, this is what I would type: > Forum > Help & Feedback > Help with > "Directions to find a very specific place on any website"

I put quote marks around the last item because it's the title of a specific "article" or item, instead of just a section of a web site. I also wrote the first step as because it's a little easier for a new visitor to visually remember, I think.

For the tools, I would say this: > Sign In/Tools > Calendar

You might want to add parentheses sometimes, like this: > Sign In/Tools (sign in with your LDS Account) > Calendar

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