Automatically playing previous episode not the following

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Automatically playing previous episode not the following

Post by jeejouis »

I'm not sure if I'm addressing this in the right place, so please excuse me if not. (I am using the Mormon Channel app on iOS mobile devices.)

At the conclusion of an episode on Gospel Solutions for Families or Conversations or Teaching No Greater Call the app automatically begins playing the preceding episode.

I love that it automatically begins playing another episode after the one I selected concludes; however I wish it would advance to the next episode instead of retreating. After listening to episode 23 it begins playing episode 22, when I would like it to play episode 24.

This does not hold true with the scripture player, as it will play chapter 12 and then 13 and then 14. It does frequently it stop after playing a few chapters in a row though. This is solved by waking up my device and selecting 'play' for it to continue, but it does continues.

I would appreciate being able to start at episode ____ or chapter ____ and just continue listening - moving forward in episodes and chapters - until I pause the player or exit.

Please let me know if this is already possible (without creating a specific playlist)?

Thank you!

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