Missionary Online Recommendation System: "What's new?"

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Missionary Online Recommendation System: "What's new?"

Post by TinMan »

On another thread, lajackson said this:
Our stake president is already aware of this requirement. And after his interview with a prospective missionary, he is going to know the answers to these questions and will not have any trouble completing the application.

That said, I think this is really an area that would be better left to priesthood leaders to work through, while we deal with the more mundane technical issues of making sure they are able to sign in to the Missionary Online Recommendation System to do so.

This is, after all the actual topic of the thread, and is more in line with our charter here at the Forum. So we should probably leave it at that.
So as not to hijack that thread: I checked the Online Missionary Recommendation Website as I have some comments to put in about a missionary. When I checked "What's new," the "new requirement" is no longer there. I am glad I checked to see exactly what they wanted again.

It does not appear in the "history" section either. So I guess it is no longer a requirement?

It is so confusing to have something change and then "un-change" without any notice.
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Post by dannykos »

Well that's weird!?! So is that a change back of policy, or a mistaken early release of future policy?

I hope it's the former.
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Post by lajackson »

dannykos wrote:So is that a change back of policy, . . .

In my experience in the past, those kinds of policies have often been communicated verbally, rather than published in writing.

Everyone here at the Forum has been very careful in their comments, but these are most sensitive issues. I expect that there is a desire to make certain that confidential matters remain so.

What that means in terms of an item at "What's New?" remains to be seen. I believe a priesthood leader would continue to complete applications at the Online Recommendation System as in the past, based on his current knowledge and experience, and the instructions that are presently available to him.

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