Spanish church Videos on Mormonchannel or Video, Audio and Images section of

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Spanish church Videos on Mormonchannel or Video, Audio and Images section of

Post by carsonm »

Not sure if this is the right forum.

We are starting a new Spanish speaking branch in our stake next month.
As a STS, I have been thinking of what might be helpful for gospel instruction/learning for those who speak Spanish. I have been looking for the great church videos like the ones in English on the Video, Audio and Images section of and the mormon channel.
I located some on the spanish Mormon channel/messages area of Youtube. (700 + videos)

Since the new meetinghouse firewall blocks which is fine, how could these great church videos be shown in a meetinghouse?

Perhaps it might already be in the works or being planned, but I was thinking that they may be able to be posted on the two locations I mentioned above, just in Spanish

I really like that the the bible videos and General Conference are in Spanish already on

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Post by jdlessley »

carsonm wrote:Since the new meetinghouse firewall blocks which is fine, how could these great church videos be shown in a meetinghouse?
Have you tried the Media Library? The Media Library does not use Youtube for any of its videos according to the church employee posting here. The link I gave is to the English library. You will want to view the Spanish library.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Spanish Videos on LDS Media Library

Post by carsonm »

Thanks for the update.
I did check the link to the LDS media library (spanish) and right now it is a placeholder. I look forward to when the LDS Media Libary pages/sections are translated and the content is added so it can used in the meetinghouse.

Again, thanks for the update.
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Re: Spanish church Videos on Mormonchannel or Video, Audio a

Post by vlobaco »

Hi. I know that it is king of an old thread, but I subtitling the videos from the Mormon Channel in Spanish that I can use them in my classes. You can check them in my channel in YouTube: Please understand that I don't work for the Church and even though I work very hard to have the right translations you might find some errors. (if you do so, let me know and I will correct them). I try to upload them as they come out. If you need any videos in particular you just let me know. I can provide you with the .mov files I upload through dropbox, for example. Send me an email if you are interested.

I hope I can be of some assistance.
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Re: Spanish church Videos on Mormonchannel or Video, Audio a

Post by aebrown »

vlobaco wrote:I subtitling the videos from the Mormon Channel in Spanish that I can use them in my classes. You can check them in my channel in YouTube:
I know that you are trying to be helpful, but do you have legal permission to do this? For example, your video Pedro y Juan son juzgados uses content from Peter and John Are Judged.

Have you reviewed the Rights and Use Information that is linked to from every Bible Videos page on That includes the following restriction in the "Licenses and Restrictions" paragraph:
You may not post material from this site on another website or on a computer network without our permission. You may not transmit or distribute material from this site to other sites.
If you don't have specific permission from the Church to do this, it seems to me that you are violating these legal terms.
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Re: Spanish church Videos on Mormonchannel or Video, Audio a

Post by russellhltn »

aebrown wrote:If you don't have specific permission from the Church to do this, it seems to me that you are violating these legal terms.
Just as a note, there is a difference between editing a video to show in your class and editing a video and uploading the results for public view. The latter will most certainly create legal problems if you do not have written permission from Intellectual Reserve.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Spanish church Videos on Mormonchannel or Video, Audio and Images section of

Post by swpdad »

Thanks tons for the Spanish subtitles on videos. This is something we have struggled with too.

How did you add the Spanish subtitles? Do you need software, or is it done through youtube? How?

My wife and I are full-time missionaries and work with a small, Spanish-speaking branch.

Thanks again

P.D. Maybe I can contribute

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