Help needed with community translating platform

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Help needed with community translating platform

Post by jjmoncur »


I need help figuring out how to build a platform to do online translation. I basically need a split screen set up where one side can house an image (Page of english text that's been scanned in) while the opposite side can be used to enter the native language translation. There has to be a save button for the new native language translation that's linked to a database. Unfortunately I'm pretty clueless on how to do this so any advice or help I could get would be amazing. We're trying to provide native language children's books for kids in the marshall islands and this is a huge part of the process.
here are some examples of what I'm thinking of:!translate ... n_platform

Again, any help would be amazing!!! Thank you.

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Post by marianomarini »

Are you thinking of a web based translation tools or just a program for stand alone Pc?
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Post by jjmoncur »

Thanks for would need to be a web based tool so that volunteers from the Marshall islands to Utah would be able to assist.

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