My Access to another ward web site

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My Access to another ward web site

Post by spierce1862 »

I see you are already getting question about counselors that need access to their new wards and I know I will get it soon, but our meeting time is wrong on the web site and it needs to be changed asap, the stake presidency is working on it but I just need that changed fast, can you help??
steve pierce
1st counselor bishopric
Granger YSA 1st Ward
the meeting time is 11am (because of a bldg chg since plans were made)
the bishop has lots calling him?
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Post by aebrown »

spierce1862 wrote:I see you are already getting question about counselors that need access to their new wards and I know I will get it soon, but our meeting time is wrong on the web site and it needs to be changed asap, the stake presidency is working on it but I just need that changed fast, can you help??

The meeting times can only be changed through MLS. MLS access is not dependent on some of the other issues that people have with access to Church web sites, so it can be changed quickly (any MLS administrator can add access for any ward member). See Edit meeting times on the wiki for instructions. Of course, for MLS to work, the ward has to exist in CDOL and other Church systems, but as long as that is done, it is easy enough to change the meeting times. There is some delay before the times propagate to all Church systems.

If you are mostly concerned about the meeting time on the Ward Website, then a stopgap technique that some people use is for the website administrator to edit the meeting time message. He can't change the actual time that is displayed on the website, but he can add additional clarifying text to explain what the real meeting time is. That technique won't affect other places the meeting time may appear, such as on LDS Maps, but it can still be helpful.
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Post by lajackson »

spierce1862 wrote:our meeting time is wrong on the web site and it needs to be changed asap
Is your ward MLS set up? The quickest way to change the meeting time is to update MLS in the clerk's office.

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