August release of Maps

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Post by todrobbins »

The new maps site is looking slicker than before, and that's saying something. Cheers to team!
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Get names to show on maps again

Post by psantangelo »

The site you could have the names on the map so I could print one for the leaders of our ward to have and they loved it. The new version while I love the look and feel of the site very slick I can only have dots shown on the map when I print it. Will there be any way to get the names to show up on the map for printing? Thank You, Phil
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Post by mfmohlma »

psantangelo wrote:The site you could have the names on the map so I could print one for the leaders of our ward to have and they loved it. The new version while I love the look and feel of the site very slick I can only have dots shown on the map when I print it. Will there be any way to get the names to show up on the map for printing?
That capability still exists. After clicking the "Print..." button, the "Display Options" button presents you with a menu. One of the choices is to print names on the map. Another option (which I like better for my dense ward) is to print number tags for each household. A cross-referenced list follows.

I'm quite impressed myself.
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Server Error on Printing

Post by techgy »

I'm getting a server error when I attempt to print.
Sorry, an error occurred processing this page

This is a "server-side" error, meaning the problem is not with your PC or Internet connection but instead is a problem with the web site's server. Even though the issue is not yours to troubleshoot or resolve, there are a few things you can do:
  • Retry the web page by clicking the refresh/reload button or trying the URL from the address bar again. Even though the Server Error is reporting a general error on the web site's servers and not your computer, the server error may only be temporary. Trying the page again will often be successful.
  • Come back later. The Server Error message is often temporary and should be resolved fairly soon.
  • Use your browser's back button to go back to the page you came from.
  • Return to the homepage.
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Post by jonesrk »

techgy wrote:I'm getting a server error when I attempt to print.

I am as well. I see a javascript error in line 256

error message: $ is not a function
line of code: if (!$(document.body).hasClass("no-resize")){

It looks like the rest of the file is referring to jQuery without using the $ alias so I think that this one line should as well.
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Post by RossEvans »

scgallafent wrote:The biggest difficulty is that missionaries don't have regular access to a computer. Even ignoring policy issues, I doubt that missionaries will have this kind of regular computer access any time soon.

You are right that because missionaries live in an alternate universe without computers, an online ward map does them little good.

For that reason in our ward we have made periodic hard-copy maps for the missionaries. These maps show our boundaries, and all the families color-coded according to whether they have anyone serving in a calling or as a HT/VT teacher. (That is a rough proxy for active). We print the maps twice -- once on large wall-size maps for their quarters, and once paginated for their area books.

The process for this is driven by our own geocoding, not the data. But maybe it could be reworked to use the latter. (The hard part is doing the work to manually maintain all the "verified" locations, not to mention recreating the boundary layer.)

Which reminds me, it is past time to make fresh maps for the missionaries. :)
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Post by kisaac »

psantangelo wrote:The site you could have the names on the map so I could print one for the leaders of our ward to have and they loved it. The new version while I love the look and feel of the site very slick I can only have dots shown on the map when I print it. Will there be any way to get the names to show up on the map for printing? Thank You, Phil
The functionality is there...but seems to be browser dependent, probably temporarily.

Using the "printer friendly" option, I have the ability to put name tags, or number tags instead of dots on my maps, but my bishopric counselor does not have the "display options" button on his browser to select these, and it may be the same for you. It seems there are differences in browsers in this regard. I didn't believe him, so I made a screen print, showing the button and it's position in my Firefox, and sent it to him, and he said it wasn't there in his IE.

(odd, because he said later at work his desktop with IE displayed the button)
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Post by rontilby »

kisaac wrote: (odd, because he said later at work his desktop with IE displayed the button)
This discrepancy is probably due to the version of Internet Explorer (versions 6,7, and 8 are currently supported by Microsoft). IE 9 is about to go into beta.

It may be that the sites use some features that don't work in IE6. If that is the case, then the sites should warn about it.
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The eternal spinner

Post by ihenpecked »

Still getting it while loading ward names on FF 4, but I will be patient. New map site looks great.
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Post by aeverett-p40 »

kisaac wrote:
One really big feature request...Is user-definable boundaries on the horizon? I'd love to have the ability to make emergency response zones, or fast offering collection routes within my ward boundaries.

This is big feature request for us, too. We are currently using the ward and stake GEO Codes for this sort of thing, but those are not linked to the map as a sortable / searchable field.

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