CDOL 2.4.1 Release

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CDOL 2.4.1 Release

Post by jonesrk »

We have released CDOL version 2.4.1.
The main features are:
  1. A user preferences page has been added (see My Account up by the logout link). This lets users control the default settings for their home page and which sections expand automatically on an organization's main page.
  2. A user is automatically redirected to the sign-in page when the user's session times-out.
  3. The search results can now be displayed in a printer-friendly format.
  4. Users using the Advanced Search are now able to show hierarchical relationships when grouped by Church location. The hierarchical results is supported in the printer-friendly page as well as the export to a spreadsheet.
For the full list of changes see the release notes.
If you see any problems please report them through the feedback link in the application, or here in the forum.
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Post by PartridgeRM »

One of the problems being reported through the support desk is that user's with desktop shortcuts to cdol can't use them anymore. In order to get the shortcut to work, they first have to go to and then create a new shortcut.

Here is additional information from the support group:
Hi, Rick,
I’ve had several people call in or email me saying that they can’t get into the new CDOL since the new version came out. The problem seems to be the URL used by the shortcut: I don’t have the exact shortcut, but it is something like:, or something like that. I have had them change the URL to: and that has always let them get in.
Thank you.

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Post by jonesrk »

partridgerm wrote: I don’t have the exact shortcut, but it is something like:, or something like that.
I'll bet it is related to the deep linking feature we added, but I haven't been able to duplicate it. If I use this url I get in but am given a
Sorry, the requested file does not exist.
error, but I am in just fine.

If I can get the actual url I can try with that.
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CDOL Saved Direcory - no address

Post by beanda »

I've created and saved a directory in CDOL 2.4.1 so I can more easily see ward and stake leaders, with the following options:
Level 1: Stake, Primary Contact
Level 2: Stake, Child Ward, Primary Contact
Address: Delivery Location
Phone: Home, Mobile
Sort: Hierarchy, 2 columns

I don't get 2 columns -- maybe because the report isn't large enough. I don't get the address.

Can someone please help me understand what I am doing wrong?

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Post by jonesrk »

freewholly wrote: I don't get 2 columns -- maybe because the report isn't large enough.
That is it. The second column will be used once it hits the bottom of the page.
freewholly wrote: Address: Delivery Location
I don't get the address.
There are 2 reasons that the addresses don't show up:
1) There aren't Delivery Location addresses for your stake and wards (there are mailing addresses for the primary contacts)
2) It looks like there is a bug/feature that the addresses don't show up on the 2 column report. It might have been done because of space issues.
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Ward clerk still "in the dark" on own unit boundary?

Post by kisaac »

ryan jones wrote:We have released CDOL version 2.4.1.

For the full list of changes see the release notes.
If you see any problems please report them through the feedback link in the application, or here in the forum.

The "release notes" quoted above explain that a ward clerk is an "authorized user," and "authorized users" can

View all public non sensitive data.
View current unit boundary maps.

However, ward clerks do not seem to have access to their own units' boundary map, or have I missed a button somewhere in CDOL? I believe past discussions have said this is a "permissions" issue. If the Ward Clerk is responsible for the integrity of his membership data, who could explain why the "official" boundary map cannot be available to him for this purpose?

Replies to "feedback" pointed me to the new beta "membership locator" for the unit boundary, but this is incorrect. It's not the official boundary, and it is incorrect in our case. I need access to the "official" map, but apparently it is not available to a local unit?
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CDOL Boundary Map Error

Post by techgy »


When attempting to display a boundary map for our stake I receive the following error;
Error Message: /organization/unitPdfMaps.xhtml @44,82 value="#{unitPdfMapBean.maps[mapSize]}": java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Socket not created by this factory.
Error Code: 500
Target Servlet: Faces Servlet
Error Stack:
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Post by jonesrk »

kisaac wrote:The "release notes" quoted above explain that a ward clerk is an "authorized user," and "authorized users" can

However, ward clerks do not seem to have access to their own units' boundary map, or have I missed a button somewhere in CDOL? I believe past discussions have said this is a "permissions" issue. If the Ward Clerk is responsible for the integrity of his membership data, who could explain why the "official" boundary map cannot be available to him for this purpose?

Replies to "feedback" pointed me to the new beta "membership locator" for the unit boundary, but this is incorrect. It's not the official boundary, and it is incorrect in our case. I need access to the "official" map, but apparently it is not available to a local unit?
The wiki page use to indicate that viewing the maps was for stake level rights. I will add that back in. If viewing them at the ward level is desired I would recommend sending feedback through CDOL and give the reasons it would be beneficial.
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Post by jonesrk »

Techgy wrote:Ryan,

When attempting to display a boundary map for our stake I receive the following error;
This is a known issue, we had 2 new servers added to CDOL and they are having issues with seeing the maps. When you login look down at the footer and you can see which server you are on. chqpvuu4108 and chqpvuu4109 are the new ones. chqpvuu4132 and chqpvuu4133 are the old ones and viewing the maps should work fine there.
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Post by jonesrk »

ryan jones wrote:The wiki page use to indicate that viewing the maps was for stake level rights. I will add that back in.
Actually under the CDOL Capabilities section it did mention that. I have updated the Authorized users section.

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