Android / droid LDS apps

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Post by RossEvans »

M D M wrote:The app now works perfectly on my droid and I can click on the phone number to dial it, or to obtain the physical address. The droid gives me voice prompts to my next destination. I no longer need a physical map! A huge time saver for me making it much easier to minister to the saints of my brand new ward.
Are you populating Ward Roster from the unit website or from MLS?

In any case, I think you will see even better tools becoming available in the near future. There is a lot of stuff in the pipeline right now, for this platform and others, from Church developers and others. Once the Church's own mapping and geocoding application is rolled out, developers should be able to leverage that resource with even more precise mapping on both computers and phone/GPS devices.
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Post by TechnoBabel-p40 »

boomerbubba wrote:Are you populating Ward Roster from the unit website or from MLS?

In any case, I think you will see even better tools becoming available in the near future. There is a lot of stuff in the pipeline right now, for this platform and others, from Church developers and others. Once the Church's own mapping and geocoding application is rolled out, developers should be able to leverage that resource with even more precise mapping on both computers and phone/GPS devices.

I recently learned that will soon have some very nice Android application support.

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Post by TechnoBabel-p40 »

TechnoBabel wrote:I recently learned that will soon have some very nice Android application support.


wow. I guess I was right. It looks as though they just added a web service so that developers can write applications that will integrate with returnandreport. I'm going to see about taking advantage of this for my Android apps. ... sts=1#M326

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where do I find Reveal?

Post by rslay-p40 »

bkaz wrote:Reveal - Allows you to use the vast Yaceyware (ybk) library on your android device.

Where can I find Reveal? :confused:
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Post by russellhltn »

Open "Market" on your phone. Do a search for "LDS" and you should see it in the list.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by RossEvans »

rslay wrote:Where can I find Reveal? :confused:

An easy way to find Android apps is to search a web site such as using a web browser on your computer. This site mirrors the Android Market listings. For example, the page for the Reveal app is here.

Then -- assuming you have the popular Barcode Reader app installed on your Android phone -- just shoot the QR barcode on the web page. That will take you directly to the Market entry for downloading the app.

It's easier done than said.

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