New LDS Catalog

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New LDS Catalog


Post by MorettiDP »

Any of you have news about the global version of Church Distribution Services website LDS Catalog? Past times a initation to participate in a project about it are released by Tom Welch (i can remember a movement about it) but I can't see anything new in the forum or in the wiki.
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Post by Kyrandita »

I was on my mission when said movement probably took place, but I fully support the idea and would love to help in the project if at all possible...

One of my projects for teaching myself CSS and HTML when I got home was to recreate that exact website using only those two languages... and I think I did a pretty good job, I copied nearly all of the sites general feel and functionality (pop out menus included) only leaving out those things that have to do with accounts and database operations... It's purely aesthetic, but if someone comes up with a basic design I can do that part while the background stuff is written... I'd love to learn that part too but I'm really trying to focus on learning from school... But to write CSS I can spare a few hours a week...

of course, my graphic creation is fairly amateur so someone might have to make logos and things, but since CSS3 is adding a bunch of new functionality it would be minimal... assuming IE starts supporting it at some point... Pointing out the one flaw with my recreated site, while everything is practically identical visually in any CSS2 fully compliant browser, IE doesn't support several of the functions I used in its creation, even though it passes validation I doubt the church would accept a site that doesn't work on the most-used-if-less-than-perfect browser.

I really hope this post made sense, I tend to ramble on explaining far too much for a simple post... Sorry if it's way too long...
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