STS leadership email ability

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STS leadership email ability

Post by Timgoat »

Is there any discussion on giving STS the ability to use the email communication portal that's in LCR? I'm in a stake where I frequently need to email Clerks or Ward Techs. I usually go through my high councilor. Is there a quicker/better way to email other than just collecting the email addresses? I'd like it to have the official church email footer.
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Re: STS leadership email ability

Post by russellhltn »

As a STS, you have access to CDOL, which gives you the ability to see the emails for ward leadership, even if they've restricted it.

As a STS myself, the only times I've had to reach out was for specific buildings, so a "blast" to all the wards wouldn't be useful to me.

As for discussions, we rarely hear about it until it's done.
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