Can't see all ward calendars

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Can't see all ward calendars

Post by craiggsmith »

I am a clerk. All of us in the bishopric organization are default calendar administrators, but we can see only the ward activities, primary, and YM/YW calendars. None of us can see the Elders Quorum or Relief Society calendars that those respective presidencies can see. Is that the default now? Or would they have removed access from us? When I was a clerk before, we had control over all the ward calendars.

Also, only admins could adjust permissions before, but the EQ president has a Manage Calendars option in his app. I don't even have that, but he is on Android and I am on iPhone. Do those apps behave differently?

Also, when I go into the permissions for one of our calendars, it just spins forever; all others are fine though. Has anyone else experienced that?
Saint George, UT
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Re: Can't see all ward calendars

Post by cyorgason »

We are having a similar problem at the stake level. Our stake building specialist can see stake activities and activities only for his ward. None of the other wards are visible to him. It is very difficult to perform his calling when he cannot see the full calendar.
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Re: Can't see all ward calendars

Post by russellhltn »

craiggsmith wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 1:29 pm only admins could adjust permissions before, but the EQ president has a Manage Calendars option in his app. I don't even have that, but he is on Android and I am on iPhone. Do those apps behave differently?
Unless something changed, the only place you can administer or edit calendars is on the web page. Member Tools is strictly view only. The Member Tools app in Android does indeed say "Manage calendar, but it's only managing the view on the member's device. "Select Calendars" would be a more appropriate label in my opinion.

I've not played with the iOS member tools so I can't comment on what's visible there. It's possible it's taking it's cue from some settings on the web page.

On the web page, you can select what calendars are available for selection on the calendar web page by going to the gear icon and "Select Calendars".
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Can't see all ward calendars

Post by russellhltn »

cyorgason wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 6:09 pm We are having a similar problem at the stake level. Our stake building specialist can see stake activities and activities only for his ward. None of the other wards are visible to him. It is very difficult to perform his calling when he cannot see the full calendar.
Completely normal. He needs to look at the location/building calendar to see what's been scheduled for the building.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Can't see all ward calendars

Post by craiggsmith »

russellhltn wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 6:21 pm Unless something changed, the only place you can administer or edit calendars is on the web page. Member Tools is strictly view only. The Member Tools app in Android does indeed say "Manage calendar, but it's only managing the view on the member's device. "Select Calendars" would be a more appropriate label in my opinion.

I've not played with the iOS member tools so I can't comment on what's visible there. It's possible it's taking it's cue from some settings on the web page.

On the web page, you can select what calendars are available for selection on the calendar web page by going to the gear icon and "Select Calendars".
Ok thanks, good to know. The iOS app simply says "Calendar" for the selection screen.

So the question is then, do those organization presidencies have admin rights to their calendars? I thought it was managed at the ward level. I will see if one of them can show me what they see on the web.
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Re: Can't see all ward calendars

Post by jdlessley »

craiggsmith wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 9:13 pm So the question is then, do those organization presidencies have admin rights to their calendars? I thought it was managed at the ward level.
There are only ward administrators who administer all the unit calendars. The ward default administrators (bishopric, clerks, executive secretary) manage all the ward calendars, including organization calendars, and the editors for those calendars. Organization presidencies don't need to be a administrators because that grants them access to manage all unit calendars, not just their organization calendar. They do need to be an editor for their organization calendar so they can manage events on that calendar. Individual ward members determine what public ward and stake calendars they want to view.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Can't see all ward calendars

Post by craiggsmith »

Well hopefully there is something they can fix on the back end. How do I submit a ticket for this? I tried the Feedback link on the calendar page and just get "You have either already completed the survey or your session has expired." I tried clearing my cache already. I tried the chat option on the Help page but it's just a virtual assistant. Do I need to call?
Saint George, UT

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