How to use Ministering Assignments tool

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How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by GrasseDD »

Newly called EQP here.
Is there a tutorial or resource on how to use the Ministering Assignments tool in LCR? Specifically the "Proposed Assignments" tool. (What do the "+" and "-" signs and the colors mean?)
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by jdlessley »

GrasseDD wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:27 am Is there a tutorial or resource on how to use the Ministering Assignments tool in LCR?
Not that I know of.
GrasseDD wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:27 amSpecifically the "Proposed Assignments" tool. (What do the "+" and "-" signs and the colors mean?)
That data formating is only available when viewing the current assignments data on the Proposed Assignments page with the "Show Changes" button clicked.
The unchanged data will show in normal font. Removed data will show with a prepended "-" and the font will be strike-through with the yellow highlight. Added data will show with a prepended "+" and the font will be normal with a green highlight.
JD Lessley
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by russellhltn »

For some of the Church's apps, the documentation is under "Help".
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by BrianEdwards »

GrasseDD wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:27 am Newly called EQP here.
Is there a tutorial or resource on how to use the Ministering Assignments tool in LCR? Specifically the "Proposed Assignments" tool. (What do the "+" and "-" signs and the colors mean?)
It can definitely be frustrating when documentation is lacking. And it's always good to ask, often times there actually is some online help available that I'm not aware of. A couple of additional thoughts:

You could ask whoever extended the calling to you, to provide resources and support for you in your calling. Often leaders assume (perhaps without realizing it) that it's going to be easy for every member to work with Church tools. And if the leaders extending assignments aren't aware of those details, perhaps they can assign somebody to support you.

Also, perhaps the previous EQ Presidency, or the current RS Presidency, could meet together with you and go through how they used these tools.

But if you're like me, you'd rather just be able to reference some self-help doc and work your way through it on your own. So I understand that quite well.
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by GrasseDD »

jdlessley wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 3:09 pm That data formating is only available when viewing the current assignments data on the Proposed Assignments page with the "Show Changes" button clicked.
The unchanged data will show in normal font. Removed data will show with a prepended "-" and the font will be strike-through with the yellow highlight. Added data will show with a prepended "+" and the font will be normal with a green highlight.
Thanks, I appreciate your time.
So, are you saying that, when the changes are "Published", that the stuff with a prepended "-" will be removed, and the stuff with a prepended "+" will be added?

If that's the case, it looks like there is a lot of stuff left by the previous EQP that was left UNpublished. I would like to keep most of that stuff, honestly. Is there a way to get rid of individual changes, or do I have to erase all of them (with the "Start Over" button)?
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by GrasseDD »

BrianEdwards wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:17 pm It can definitely be frustrating when documentation is lacking. And it's always good to ask, often times there actually is some online help available that I'm not aware of. A couple of additional thoughts:

You could ask whoever extended the calling to you, to provide resources and support for you in your calling. Often leaders assume (perhaps without realizing it) that it's going to be easy for every member to work with Church tools. And if the leaders extending assignments aren't aware of those details, perhaps they can assign somebody to support you.

Also, perhaps the previous EQ Presidency, or the current RS Presidency, could meet together with you and go through how they used these tools.

But if you're like me, you'd rather just be able to reference some self-help doc and work your way through it on your own. So I understand that quite well.
Thanks, Brian--yes, it's good to be understood, and I appreciate knowing my feelings are shared.
Unfortunately, I was called by a stake president that wouldn't know the first thing about the Ministering Assignments tool--including that it even exists. And, I'm pretty sure the previous EQP was, and the current RSPy are, using it incorrectly. (Sorry, "incorrectly" is the wrong word. It would be more accurate to say, "in a way that was/is perhaps helpful to them".)
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by russellhltn »

It's the ward clerk's responsibility to teach on using the tools. (

In reality who has what skills varies from ward to ward. But I'd use that to see who in the local ward leadership can help you out. Don't overlook the RS as they also do ministering.
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by BrianEdwards »

russellhltn wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:14 am It's the ward clerk's responsibility to teach on using the tools. (

In reality who has what skills varies from ward to ward. But I'd use that to see who in the local ward leadership can help you out. Don't overlook the RS as they also do ministering.
I guess for the O.P., then since quorum and org leaders may assign secretaries to do much of the record-keeping but also do much themselves (33.4.4), the ideal method is for the EQ Secretary to be trained by the ward clerk, and then the EQ Secretary trains the EQ Presidency? I just found it interesting that GHB speaks specifically about ward clerks training secretaries but not presidencies, so it seems like the Handbook infers that the secretaries then train their presidencies about the record-keeping aspects of their callings.
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by jdlessley »

GrasseDD wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:09 am So, are you saying that, when the changes are "Published", that the stuff with a prepended "-" will be removed, and the stuff with a prepended "+" will be added?
Clicking the Review and Publish Assignments button on the Proposed Assignments page causes the data on that page to replace the data on the Current Assignments page. The Proposed Assignments page will then be cleared for a fresh start. The 'sandbox' additions and removal information will no longer be available to be viewed. The 'sandbox' markings showing additions and removals is only visible on the Proposed Assignments page when the Show Changes button is clicked. Edits cannot be made while the Proposed Assignments page is viewed in the Show Changes mode. The Hide Changes button must be clicked to continue making edits .
JD Lessley
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Re: How to use Ministering Assignments tool

Post by russellhltn »

BrianEdwards wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:43 am I just found it interesting that GHB speaks specifically about ward clerks training secretaries but not presidencies, so it seems like the Handbook infers that the secretaries then train their presidencies about the record-keeping aspects of their callings.
It seems like the training is geared more for the quarterly reports. Yet Mistering/Home Teaching has been around even in the MLS days.

In general, the high councilor assigned to the EQ should be instructing the EQP. (6.5.1). But I don't think they have access or would be current on the mechanics of the tools. They would be a good source for advice on assignments. On the other hand, the Ward Clerk has full access to Ministering and would seem to be in the best position to advise on dealing with the tools. Not stated, but I think widely implied by tradition, the ward clerk should be computer literate. It is interesting that ward clerks should "Be capable teachers" (33.2)
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