My Callings Page won't open

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My Callings Page won't open

Post by bbharding »

I can sign into my account easily, but I can't get into the My Calling pages which I need to use for Relief Society presidency calling. It does open for about a half second and then switches to a message that says: "Sorry, something went wrong. We'll try to fix it quickly." Anyone know how to fix that?
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Re: My Callings Page won't open

Post by russellhltn »

Do you have multiple callings? I know that's confused some of the Church's software in the past.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: My Callings Page won't open

Post by BrianEdwards »

Also, I've seen where members who go into, or out of, leadership callings, can have these types of issues. Cookie buildup in the Church webpages can be unnoticeable, until somebody either gains LCR access (or loses it), and then weird things occur even in non-LCR webpages. I lived this just recently ;)

Standard suggestion for these scenarios is trying private/incognito browser mode. Does this change anything for you?

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