Podium Control Cover

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Podium Control Cover

Post by jamesetaylor »

The updated podium controls that the FM Group is installing in Wards and Stake Centers are touchscreen systems. Unfortunately, those conducting the meeting often accidentally touch a control portion of the screen that adversely affects a broadcast--either the volume level or shutting it off altogether.

When the system is accidentally shut off, it requires about three minutes to begin transmitting again. It involves someone awkwardly walking up to the stand and making the adjustment, as the individual is often unaware that they "fat-fingered" or accidentally swiped a control on the touch screen.

We developed this plate that can be laid on top of the podium control that isolates those features necessary for broadcast quality yet still allows those conducting the meeting to adjust the height of the pulpit or the overall volume in the chapel.

This cover can be removed when a unit is NOT broadcasting and used during broadcasts.

We thank Brother Joseph J. Sines of the Ames First Ward of the Ames, Iowa Stake, for developing the cover plate. The system does not allow us to attach the 3D printing STL File. It is small. If you would like it, we can e-mail it to you. Please send us a note at james.e.taylor@icloud.com. You will receive a reply with an attachment entitled "For Broadcast Final.stl"
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by brad_p »

FWIW, I have two approaches I use to avoid the lengthy reboot issue.

1) In newer chapel AV setups there are two master on/off switches, A) the pulpit button by the bishops chair, and B) the gym AV panel. So I make sure to turn on B prior to the broadcast. That leaves the system always on, regardless if the bishop goofs and turns on or off his master switch.

2) In my AV setup, I have a master HDMI out and an AV camera HDMI out. I found the camera HDMI out responds within about 5-10 seconds of a system start, while the master HDMI out can take about 60+ seconds as everything has to boot. So I use the camera HDMI out.
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by sbradshaw »

Nice work, I like the creativity of this solution! Though I hope touch screen podium controls will be rolled back before they become the norm…
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by RyanGard1977 »

that cover is awesome
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by simph1 »

We use the Mevo audio and it works just as well, even when you are on the far left or right of a chapel. Also you can use the various audio controls in the Mevo App on your cell phone to make the audio even better.

This is just an idea, and may help you, hopefully. :)

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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by dave.swartz »

Could someone investigate the following and verify accuracy. I was told that if the system is turned off at the podium and you immediately turn it back on that the originally requested shutdown sequence will be aborted. Apparently they have built in a delay. I am not sure what versions of the software for the QSC systems this is for. I also do not have info on how long the delay is.

I also requested that if a startup sequence is initiated that the system would suppress being able to be shutdown again until the system is fully operational. This delay is critical to prevent the firmware from being corrupted when during the boot sequence at a random time the power is disconnected. Envision a child on the stand clicking the brightly lite buttons on and off with glee.

Here is another fun one. When the system is first power cycled on it displays a diagnostic / setup screen. This screen has the ability to generate a varying frequency sine wave. If this sine wave is activated and then the setup screen is exited the sine wave will continue to be generated. We had a power failure event and in the cultural center panel came up in this mode. Someone turned up the sine wave to a low level and then left it on. When the chapel was turned on the screens reset but the sine wave kept being generated in the cultural center.
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by robinettemb »

Is there a way to force a shutdown of the touch screen to resolve a frozen screen/system?

Our podium controller was replaced with the new touch screen last week. The first time we attempted to use the system we managed to lock the screen. No buttons were seen and we could not make any adjustments (volume or podium height) or turn off the system. Unfortunately, the system did not provide any sound when frozen. The first hour meetings were all conducted without any sound. After leaving the system alone during the second hour of meetings, the system had turned off and reset. When turned on again, it worked fine. Is there a way to force a shutdown of the touch screen to resolve a frozen screen/system?
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by simph1 »

Can I ask if this is going to be implemented churchwide? This is the first time I heard of such a thing.
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by russellhltn »

simph1 wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 2:18 pm Can I ask if this is going to be implemented churchwide? This is the first time I heard of such a thing.
Likely when a building comes up for a refresh. But that's on a long cycle. Like 10 years or more.
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Re: Podium Control Cover

Post by rmrichesjr »

russellhltn wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:26 pm Likely when a building comes up for a refresh. But that's on a long cycle. Like 10 years or more.
... unless a meetinghouse has a roof leak that soaks all the equipment in the A/V (formerly satellite) rack. Then, the building gets the new sound system design sooner (and the video modulators and such removed).

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