Gospel Library won't sync across my devices

Discussions around the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch versions of the Gospel Library application.
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Gospel Library won't sync across my devices

Post by dsrobbins »

My gospel library will not sync across my devices. I am able to log in on my phone, iPad, and laptop - but any notes, tags, notebooks, highlights, etc. are specific to each device. I have deleted and re-installed the app multiple times, and changed my password - nothing seems to work. On my phone and my iPad under account settings, I continue to see "Sync Failed". Any ideas??
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Re: Gospel Library won't sync across my devices

Post by carsonm »

A few quesitons to better understand the setup better. Is your laptop a Mac or a Windows based laptop? If it is a Mac, do you know if it is a Intel or a Apple Silicon M1 or M2 processor? If it is a Windows based laptop, is it running Windows 10 or 11? Is the phone an iPhone or Android?

On the 3 devices, do you see the sync error on all 3 devices or only on a specific device? Are you also able to provide the current app version of each Gospel LIbrary app?

Knowing the general basics about each device may help to troubleshoot this sync issue better.

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Re: Gospel Library won't sync across my devices

Post by kenthendricks »

I'm having the same problem with my Windows 10 computer and Android phone and tablet. They've always synced in the past but not since General Conference.

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