Ward-Based Experience in Gospel Library App for Non-EQ/RS Weeks

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Ward-Based Experience in Gospel Library App for Non-EQ/RS Weeks

Post by christianjwest »

With the new Ward-Based experience for the Gospel Library App, we're able to assign upcoming talks for the weeks we're scheduled to meet as a quorum (which is great). However, it looks like the dates are all pre-defined and we aren't able to specify talks for, say, a 5th Sunday. We'd like to be able to specify the talk for April 30th, but that doesn't appear to be an option. Does anyone know if this is possible? And if so, would be willing to share the steps for defining a talk for a custom day? Thank you.
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Re: Ward-Based Experience in Gospel Library App for Non-EQ/RS Weeks

Post by sbradshaw »

This isn't currently possible – however, I think it could be useful if the bishopric could choose topics for 5th-Sunday lessons and have them display in the app. I'd recommend sending it as a feature request under Help > Send Feedback in Gospel Library.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Ward-Based Experience in Gospel Library App for Non-EQ/RS Weeks

Post by BrianEdwards »

Fifth Sundays are under the direction of the Bishopric, and are not based on recent General Conference talks like the RS/EQ lessons. Perhaps you are asking if it's possible for the Bishopric to publish reference material for members to read prior to a fifth Sunday lesson (or to click on during a fifth Sunday lesson)? It appears that is not supported, although maybe it's a future enhancement. You may want to submit Feedback regarding that.

And regarding custom days, the Handbook is clear that 1st/3rd Sundays are SS lessons, 2nd/4th Sundays are RS/EQ lessons. I believe most areas follow this schedule even when there are conferences or other non-standard Sundays. So since there is a Come Follow Me tile that supports the 1st/3rd Sundays, and a RS/EQ tile that supports the 2nd/4th Sundays, I don't expect the Church will provide anything for custom days. But that's just my thoughts.
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Re: Ward-Based Experience in Gospel Library App for Non-EQ/RS Weeks

Post by christianjwest »

Thanks for the replies. I'll submit a feature request.

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