Calendar 4.0 released

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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by caillines »

sandycherry wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 12:10 pm Any idea when this 2nd release is coming?
No idea. From Russell's original post it looks like they rushed out the release, so your guess is as good as any of ours.
sandycherry wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 12:10 pm Scheduling for temple patrons use of the building which I used the Stake Building location code as the calendar, which I can't see.
If there are/were temple calling related hooks into the system I'm not sure how they worked since our stake doesn't have a temple in its boundaries.
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by russellhltn »

sandycherry wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:55 am I have lost my ability to see the Stake Calendar (not location) which is how I post all the Temple Patron events as. Also I'm in one of the Wards in the building so I can see that calendar but no longer have rights to see the other home Ward's calendar so can't see their items. The Stake "Location" icon doesn't let me see it either.
Is it not showing in the left-hand column? Are you in an unusual situation such as being a out-of-unit member, or the location has a different stake as agent?
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by skiddlyarcus »

I have one building scheduler reporting that multiple events are now missing from a building calendar.
In one case she has a screen shot of the event that was scheduled on 11 Sept 2022 for a Ward Christmas party on 10 Dec 2022.
That event is now missing from the calendar as well as several other events.

It appears this event was scheduled directly on the building calendar (not on a ward calendar).

Is there someone I can work with to identify the problem? Or is this a situation where the building scheduler will need to go through and re-create events?

Is Calendar 4.0 designed to allow direct scheduling on a building calendar? Or should these events go onto a stake/ward calendar with the building selected as a resource?
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by margiestroble »

skiddlyarcus wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:42 am I have one building scheduler reporting that multiple events are now missing from a building calendar.
In one case she has a screen shot of the event that was scheduled on 11 Sept 2022 for a Ward Christmas party on 10 Dec 2022.
That event is now missing from the calendar as well as several other events.

It appears this event was scheduled directly on the building calendar (not on a ward calendar).

Is there someone I can work with to identify the problem? Or is this a situation where the building scheduler will need to go through and re-create events?

Is Calendar 4.0 designed to allow direct scheduling on a building calendar? Or should these events go onto a stake/ward calendar with the building selected as a resource?
Most everyone is having this same issue. Apparently not all of us are able to see every event that has been scheduled for all of the units that meet within the same building. Most everyone is reporting that they can see events that are scheduled on a Stake Calendar, or on their own Ward Calendar, but they can't see any other Ward's Events that use the same building that they do. A few have said they can see everything. Hopefully it will clear up and we all can see every event that is scheduled for the whole building! I've already been having people contact me wanting to know what is going on and why they can't see events for other wards and are trying to schedule because all they see is a blank date so they assume it's available, so they try to schedule and a conflict pops up. Very frustrating to say the least.
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Alternatives to Calendar 4.0

Post by BushellRR »

Our stake is struggling with Calendar 4.0 We have 8 units in 3 buildings, one with an outbuilding and two extra stakes that all need to schedule events and resources. Now no one has full visibility, the building an event is held at only shows up on the mobile app and page load times are too long to effectively do the building centralized scheduling job in a reasonable manner. What other stakes in Utah have run into these issues and are you considering or have you moved to a different calendaring system? I'm a big fan of the building resource management of the Church Calendar, however, Calendar 4.0 is unusable to us and we are not only falling behind on scheduling and changes, but 2023 is a mess and I have people adding events that don't show up on my calendar so I have to contact them personally to have them delete an event before I can list it with the right permissions so other people can see it.

I'm thinking of paying for Google Workspace as a donation and setting it all up myself. I imagined I'd link every calendar day to the Stake Google calendar, but Calendar 4.0 also does not support links. What are the rest of you doing that is effective?
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by Mikeeme »

russellhltn wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:02 pm The calendar was released yesterday, and a emergency bug fix was pushed out just now. So everyone should be able to get in. (I can get in where I couldn't before.)

At this point, the calendar is quite limited. Apparently there were security issues with the old calendar that required switching to this one before it was fully ready.

Noticeable absent: adding/modifying restrictions, creating/modifying calendars (including rights), iCal sync files. Features will be coming, but no timeline as of yet.

If you need to make changes that can't be done (modify a restriction, change a user, etc.) , use the floating feedback button on the right of the calendar. This is a new feedback system.

As far as the DST bug, events made with the old calendar may work differently then ones made in 4.0.
So, what "floating feedack button on the right of the calendar" are you seeing; I see nothing like that. The only thing I see on right of the calendar is the question mark in a circle (?). Longing for the gear wheel or some other "control" to manage the calendars from the Stake level.
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by margiestroble »

Mikeeme wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 4:17 pm
So, what "floating feedack button on the right of the calendar" are you seeing; I see nothing like that. The only thing I see on right of the calendar is the question mark in a circle (?). Longing for the gear wheel or some other "control" to manage the calendars from the Stake level.
I only see the ? in a circle as well. If you click on the ?, and then go to the very bottom of that page, there are options to click on and there is a Feedback option. I clicked on Feedback and it did pop up with a place to submit your complaint. Maybe we should all do this!

But, I totally agree with everyone, this new calendar is not very useable for what most of us need it to be! We need something that works, we need something that shows us ALL of the events on the Stake Calendar of what units in what buildings that we are supposed to do scheduling for.
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by russellhltn »

Mikeeme wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 4:17 pm So, what "floating feedack button on the right of the calendar" are you seeing; I see nothing like that.

I'm not sure what to say other than it shows up for me.

Have you tried incognito mode just to be sure it's not a cookie issue?

What is your role in the calendar system? (Just in case it's role dependent). I'm a default stake admin and a Building Scheduler for the stake center.
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by margiestroble »

russellhltn wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 6:50 pm I'm not sure what to say other than it shows up for me.


Have you tried incognito mode just to be sure it's not a cookie issue?

What is your role in the calendar system? (Just in case it's role dependent). I'm a default stake admin and a Building Scheduler for the stake center.
Oh, I see it now. Thanks for sharing the image of it. I am also a Stake Building Scheduler and our Ward Building Scheduler. I used to be the Stake and our Ward Website Administrator, but those callings were reclassified and renamed and all I can do with either of those callings is to send out emails. So if you are added as a "Default Stake Admin", does that allow you to see the other unit's scheduled events? I know you said you could see them, but the rest of us don't see them.
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Re: Calendar 4.0 released

Post by russellhltn »

margiestroble wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 6:57 pm So if you are added as a "Default Stake Admin", does that allow you to see the other unit's scheduled events? I know you said you could see them, but the rest of us don't see them.
I can see other ward's calendars to select them for viewing, but I am seeing other ward in the location calendar.

The way things used to work, everyone could see all events in the location calendar, but if they didn't have rights to the event, they'd only see minimal information. 4.0 may be blocking it from view instead.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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