Assigning calendar items to more than one calendar

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Assigning calendar items to more than one calendar

Post by ninashurts »

In order to encourage more members to subscribe to the stake and ward calendars, we're trying to make them less bulky. Currently, our stake calendar has all the general building use events, such as an all day zone leader training, the Jones family wedding set up all day, baptisms, blood drives, and everything else that doesn't fall directly under a certain ward. The problem is that when we sync with the stake calendar, our personal calendars become auto-populated with all of these events. This makes it almost unusable. In order to streamline this process, we would like to create separate calendars so that stake members can sync only the information that applies to them and their families.

We would like the ability to have a single calendar item be assigned to several different calendars. For example, I would like to create an item in the 'Stake YW Calendar' and also assign it to the general 'Stake Activities Calendar'. That way, the stake activities calendar is complete and shows all the activities, while those who only are interested in youth activities, can opt to subscribe only to the 'Stake YW Calendar.' Does that make sense? It would also be nice, if there is a combined EQ/RS activity, for it to be assigned to both the EQ and the RS calendars. That way, those single sisters, who aren't subscribed to the EQ calendar; as well as the EQ brothers who aren't subscribed to the RS calendar are able to see the event when they sync their calendars.

This would also be helpful if you had a separate building use calendar. That way, a ward would be able to assign an primary activity to their 'Primary Calendar' AND to the building use calendar.

Does anyone know of a way to make that happen?
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Re: Assigning calendar items to more than one calendar

Post by russellhltn »

ninashurts wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 9:46 pmIn order to streamline this process, we would like to create separate calendars so that stake members can sync only the information that applies to them and their families.
Glad to hear that. Having too many events on one calendar creates too much "noise" for most members. If the members won't subscribe, then the leaders lose a way to communicate with the members.

ninashurts wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 9:46 pm This would also be helpful if you had a separate building use calendar. That way, a ward would be able to assign an primary activity to their 'Primary Calendar' AND to the building use calendar.
A separate building calendar sounds like an invite to trouble. The system already has a built-in, non-delete-able building calendar that contains all events assigned to that building. This calendar is the definitive calendar for checking for conflicts. What would be the point of creating another?

I think most units have created a combined YW/YW calendar for the combined events that both WM/YW can control.

For joint EQ/RS events, I'd suggest that should be placed on the general Ward membership calendar.

To submit your suggestion, you can use the general feedback link at the bottom of any church webpage. It will go to the product manager for consideration. However, it's still subject to limited developer time and other priorities.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Assigning calendar items to more than one calendar

Post by RBeatse »

The only issue I see with this is the general mantra of the calendar that only one calendar can reserve the resources at one time which prevents people from double booking the same room at the same time. It might be as easy as a warning message if you do that so that it is well known that two "groups" are scheduling the same thing.
Also, what color would you make it on the calendar since a person could be subscribed to both calendars and they could be different colors.

On the sync piece, if you unsubscribe from the calendar you don't care about and then create the sync url, then those calendars won't sync. So, if you have someone who really doesn't care about the Stake YW, then they can unsubscribe, create the link and that data will not sync.

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