Submit annual history online?

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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by russellhltn »

dellellison wrote:Who has some good solutions on how to more easily fit the annual history into 10-12 meg?
We usually collect all docs and put in a word doc and then print to pdf and then compress to zip file.
While we are collecting docs to put into word doc, we receive all different types of docs from wards.
We can only import the first page of a pdf doc so we have to use snipit to get the other pages but don't know if there is a better way.
Are there other text formats that will compress more efficiently?
Pardon me for pointing out the obvious, but the first step is to insure that you're are dealing with text and not images of text. I know both Word and PDF will allow images, but it greatly increases the file space needed. The fact you're using snipit makes me wonder if you capturing images and not text. Simple cut and past (Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V) should work if you're dealing with text.

Depending on what the wards send you, you might have to OCR or retype things to get text.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by mcg30916 »

Online submission would be great - but could we start with just an upload feature or an email to submit the histories to. With .pdf and zip compression i can produce a 10 MB file. Just would be nice to be able to send it somewhere electronically until the online version is up.
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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by drepouille »

mcg30916 wrote:Online submission would be great - but could we start with just an upload feature or an email to submit the histories to. With .pdf and zip compression i can produce a 10 MB file. Just would be nice to be able to send it somewhere electronically until the online version is up.
See this post: ... 23#p136605

And these instructions: ... es-eng.pdf
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by JohnCalvinSheppard »

Hi James Findley
What ever happened to this development?
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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by manielsen2002 »

It's been a long time since I've been a clerk now, so I'm not sure where we are on this, but from the last I used, I was able to either email or use the church filesend tool to upload large files.

Use this link to get more information: ... t?lang=eng See the related links and send large files link.
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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by chrisgrant »

It's been a long time since I've been a clerk now, so I'm not sure where we are on this, but from the last I used, I was able to either email or use the church filesend tool to upload large files.
FileSend will not work for me, using either Safari or Chrome, on either my home computer or my work computer. Safari says: "Safari can't connect to the server ''." Chrome says: "This site can't be reached. refused to connect."
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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by russellhltn »

chrisgrant wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:07 am FileSend will not work for me, using either Safari or Chrome, on either my home computer or my work computer. Safari says: "Safari can't connect to the server ''." Chrome says: "This site can't be reached. refused to connect."
Church systems are having major problems with services going up and down. I'd keep trying when you have a chance.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by SusanBurdick »

I am trying to use filesend to submit my annual history. I tried last night (along with the rest of the world) and again this morning. I can't get it to work. I tried to use it with 3 different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera). Chrome: "This site can’t be unexpectedly closed the connection." Any idea when it will be fixed or any tips?
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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by davesudweeks »

SusanBurdick wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 10:15 am I am trying to use filesend to submit my annual history. I tried last night (along with the rest of the world) and again this morning. I can't get it to work. I tried to use it with 3 different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera). Chrome: "This site can’t be unexpectedly closed the connection." Any idea when it will be fixed or any tips?
There have been lots of tech issues at the church in the past week or so. Some systems have been reported as being taken offline until sometime next week. I don't know if the filesend option is affected, but with General Conference starting tomorrow I recommend you wait until after later next week to try again.
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Re: Submit annual history online?

Post by harperrg »

So I waited a bit longer than later next week *oops*... But it still isn't working. I really don't want to print out this entire document and ship it... Did anyone get it to work and it's gone down again? Or has it just been down all this time?

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