Broadcasting equipment

Discussions around receiving, originating, and holding Church broadcasts and conferences in meetinghouses including schedules, setup, equipment, and support.
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Broadcasting equipment

Post by LauWK »

In the past, FM group provides Webcast equipment (Teradek VidiU), mixer and camera to Stake or District. I know these equipment can be used for Zoom broadcasting. If the existing meetinghouse does not have this kind of equipment, should FM provide the mixer, extra micrphone and camera for members to do Sunday broadcasting?
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Re: Broadcasting equipment

Post by drepouille »

Our FM group has been very firm that they provide such broadcasting equipment only to stake centers, not to meetinghouses. If stakes and wards want to purchase equipment for meetinghouses, then the FM may provide installation assistance. However, our FM group was not willing to mount a PTZ camera in a meetinghouse.
Even if an FM group is required to provide such equipment, their limited budget requires them to program expenses for the coming fiscal year. So a stake center may not receive equipment for many months, due to a limited FM budget.
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Re: Broadcasting equipment

Post by Wattsuk »

Ditto for our FM group.
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Re: Broadcasting equipment

Post by russellhltn »

You might be able to get an extra hand mic and/or mic cable, but that's about it.

There have been units that have webcast with nothing more than a cell phone.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Broadcasting equipment

Post by Mikerowaved »

LauWK wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:31 am In the past, FM group provides Webcast equipment (Teradek VidiU), mixer and camera to Stake or District. I know these equipment can be used for Zoom broadcasting.
Just so you know, the Teradek (like most other streaming devices) can't stream to Zoom. It's not the fault of the Teradek, it's Zoom's way of doing things.
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Re: Broadcasting equipment

Post by autryld »

We are in stake center so we have a little leverage. The Teradek can be used for YouTube Live but as that is a backup plan, you'll need to get a USB or PCI based video capture device for input to an I-5 PC/laptop with a minimum speed of 2.3 GHz (see below). If you have an SD camera like we do, you'll need a transcoder which you may already have to feed the HD video capture device (see below). At some time in the future, we can get an HD camera. minimum recommendations:
Quad Core Intel i5 2.3Ghz or higher processor
8 GB RAM, Dual Slot (2 sticks)
Video Capture - HDMI Capture: Magewell USB Capture HDMI Plus $359.00
Monitoring computer with headphones for stream validation

Someone at CHQ echoed Zoom's recommendation of the Magewell USB Capture HDMI Plus ($360 from Amazon). There are less expensive devices but I don't want to experiment then wish we bought the more expensive device. Once we get the new equipment installed, we can also use the equipment for ward sacrament meetings for both wards in our building. The kludgy part of this setup is that the A/V inputs are in a closet in the library.

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