Calendar Sync to Personal Calendar Error: Won't Sync

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Calendar Sync to Personal Calendar Error: Won't Sync

Post by EarloftheWest »

My Sync URL works fine in Google.
However, for our family calendar, we're using an online app called Teamup.
When it attempts to sync to the URL, I receive this error:
Failed importing the data. [Import Manager] strtoupper(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given.

I tried another app on my phone to import the URL and the sync URL also returned an error.

Is it possible that the SYNC url from the Church website isn't exactly following ical standards and that Google is a bit more forgiving?
Is there an alternate format for the SYNC URL that I can use?
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Re: Calendar Sync to Personal Calendar Error: Won't Sync

Post by russellhltn »

Please be aware there is a 9 minute throttle. If you make a request within 9 minutes of the last one, you'll get a null calendar.

No, there is no other format.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Calendar Sync to Personal Calendar Error: Won't Sync

Post by sbradshaw »

I'm not very familiar with Google Calendar, but I wonder if it's possible to sync the Church calendar to Google Calendar, then sync Google Calendar to Teamup (that is, using Google Calendar as a pass-through)?
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.

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