Adding ATS to

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Adding ATS to

Post by ccordoba24 »


Have people been able to add the ward assistant tech specialist to which gives that ATS access to technology manager and webcasting?

Because in our stake we have only one ward who added an ATS in the 'Other' tab for callings in their ward, and he shows up in cdol under other but he doesn't have access to Technology Manager. I suspect it is because its a stake calling, but since I don't have access I can't check or add anyone to the stake callings lists. (I'm a STS)

Any suggestions are welcomed. Oh, we did call the global help desk and they say that it's a stake calling but our stake exe clerk and stake clerk can't find it with their login in (to add ATS's).

So if anyone here has been able to add an assistant tech specialist as a stake calling could you give us some tips on how to do that please?

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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by Biggles »

Found in the Help Centre ATS FAQ.
1. To add an assistant technology specialist in LCR, a stake clerk:
2. Logs in to LCR, clicks Organizations > Other Callings, then clicks Technology.
3. Clicks Edit on the row with Assistant Technology Specialist.
4. Enters the person called, the date they were sustained, and if they were set apart or not.
Clicks Save.

Hope this helps!
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by scgallafent »

ccordoba24 wrote:Because in our stake we have only one ward who added an ATS in the 'Other' tab for callings in their ward, and he shows up in cdol under other but he doesn't have access to Technology Manager. I suspect it is because its a stake calling, but since I don't have access I can't check or add anyone to the stake callings lists. (I'm a STS)
The ward added the person by entering a custom position. Custom positions don't grant any rights to Church systems.
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by ccordoba24 »

"The ward added the person by entering a custom position. Custom positions don't grant any rights to Church systems."

So it is right that its a stake calling? and stake clerk needs to find it and add people as ATS?

Just to be certain.

Thanks for the replies too :D
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by Biggles »

ccordoba24 wrote:So it is right that its a stake calling? and stake clerk needs to find it and add people as ATS?

Just to be certain.

Thanks for the replies too :D
That is correct. After the member/s being called, have had the appropriate interview/s with a member of the Stake Presidency.
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by russellhltn »

That is correct. It is a stake calling, even if they are assigned to a ward.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by Mikerowaved »

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by ccordoba24 »


We got it fixed yesterday Sunday,

Cheers, :D
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by ccordoba24 »

Hi all,

I'm afraid I have to seek more help again.

Our stake clerk added several people as Assistant Technology Specialist, they show up on under Directory>Entire Stake>All Organizations>Other Callings>Technology and there is a list there of all the ATS called. I just checked today with the stake clerk and all are ticked as called/set apart. But still none of those ATS can see Technology Manager under 'My Ward and Calling" and therefore they can't book streaming or schedule any for their wards.

I have been able to book streaming session without problems but no one else can.

So therefore, does anyone here have any suggestions? what could be wrong here? to get our wards to be able to book their own streaming sessions.

Any help is appreciated.


ps, i have some screen captures of that list of ATS and one persons screen showing Technology Manager missing for him, but I can't see how to paste pics here.
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Re: Adding ATS to

Post by eblood66 »

First, has it been 24 hours since they were added? Although it usually happens faster we recommend waiting 24 hours to make sure the calling has fully propagated to all the church systems.

Second, the church has been testing alternative menus on the main home page. Have you asked your ASTSs to try going to the Technology Manager directly ( just in case the version of the My Callings menu they are getting isn't one where they decided to try leaving Technology Manager off?

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