Newly called missionary unable to login using missionary call link

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Newly called missionary unable to login using missionary call link

Post by andrewzoque »

Good day, My name is Andrew Zoque I received an email with the notification of my calling to a full-time Mission, I clicked on the link but when I log in into my church account does not show me as an authorized missionary in order to print my calling so I am not able to see it.

[Personal information deleted--this is a public forum]

I will greatly appreciate any assistance in this question.

Kind regards,

Andrew Zoque
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Re: Missionary support

Post by lajackson »

andrewzoque wrote:I received an email with the notification of my calling to a full-time Mission
Congratulations on your call to serve as a full-time missionary.

Please make sure you are trying to access the missionary site using the same Church Account you used to complete your missionary application paperwork.

Then please work with your ward or stake clerk to access the site. If your clerk needs to contact the Global Services Center to help resolve your access issue, he will be able to do so.

There is no one here at this forum who will be able to help you.

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