How do I electronically submit a patriarchal blessing recommend?

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How do I electronically submit a patriarchal blessing recommend?

Post by tuffguppy »

In MLS I created and printed a patriarchal blessing recommend for a patriarch outside my stake. The person requesting the recommend qualifies to receive the blessing from an outside patriarch. But that should have nothing to do with how to submit it electronically.

Is electronic submission done in MLS or LCR and how?
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Re: How do I electronically submit a patriarchal blessing recommend?

Post by lajackson »

tuffguppy wrote:Is electronic submission done in MLS or LCR and how?
I'm not sure which way (MLS or LCR) to submit, but I do believe that only stakes where the stake president has turned on electronic patriarchal blessing recommends can submit them online, and I believe only within that stake.

Since you are sending one to a patriarch outside your stake, printing it out may have been your only option, which is a little sad because a member of the stake presidency also will have to sign it.
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Re: How do I electronically submit a patriarchal blessing recommend?

Post by tuffguppy »

Thanks for the quick reply. I have continued to look for an answer too.
I do see that in LCR under applications a drop down menu has a "Patriarchal Blessing Submission" choice. When I choose that and click on submit, on the web page that opens, I get a screen, but it seems to have no functionality. I have attached a screenshot of the screen I see after clicking submit.

On that page I attached a screenshot of I can click on overview at the left and nothing happens. I click on notifications and it simply says the system was updated 05 Sept 2014. When I click on help it goes to a help page, but it is not helpful.

It also looks like I could request my or an ancestor's blessing, but not submit a recommend for someone else to the stake and patriarch.

This may have to do with what you said. The stake may not have turned on the electronic submission function. I have emailed the stake clerk for more info.
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Re: How do I electronically submit a patriarchal blessing recommend?

Post by ronaldosuelacangas »

am a stake Patriarch of San Jose del Monte Stake, Philippines. How do I electronically submit copies of all Patriarchal blessings I gave
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Re: How do I electronically submit a patriarchal blessing recommend?

Post by lajackson »

ronaldosuelacangas wrote:How do I electronically submit copies of all Patriarchal blessings I gave
If your stake is using the online Patriarchal Blessing recommend system, your stake clerk or stake president would be the best ones to show you how to submit each blessing as it is completed.

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