Notifications for membership clerks

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Notifications for membership clerks

Post by asfoss »

I’m a new ward membership clerk. Our ward is in a building with 4 wards. Each ward shares a clerks office and there fire going into check my cubby for new member move-ins, ordinance forms, and baby blessings is a bit of a battle. Since much of what I do can be done online I tend to do much of my calling from my home computer. Is there a way to be notified by email/text every time a new membership is received, an ordinance has been scheduled/completed, or a baby blessing has been scheduled?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Notifications for membership clerks

Post by drepouille »

I agree that we should be notified when a membership record is received, or when it is moved out at the request of another unit.

As far as ordinations and blessings, they often come as a surprise, even to the bishopric. They have to keep the clerk in the communication loop. No automation possible there.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Notifications for membership clerks

Post by davesudweeks »

If you go to LCR and review the move-in report, you will see the new move ins. Scheduling for ordinances and blessings is done by your local leaders so you would need to direct that question to them. I love being a clerk, but it does require you to pay close attention to what's going on in the ward because you are likely the last person to be told about baptisms, baby blessings, or priesthood ordinations. I am most successful if I reach out to the ward council with specific questions about members (you can see in the reports section of LCR which children and youth are overdue for baptisms and priesthood advancement).
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Re: Notifications for membership clerks

Post by drepouille »

I need to save time and just record myself reminding the bishopric to please complete the appropriate forms BEFORE each ordinance is performed. I really hate chasing people around after the fact to collect the information I need. I was lucky enough to stumble onto a father, who was holding the baby he had blessed a few weeks ago. I teased him by pointing an accusing finger at his baby daughter and saying, "You are undocumented! I need to see your papers!" Then I told the father that the blank forms were posted outside the bishop's office door. No problem.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Notifications for membership clerks

Post by schurch »

How do I edit (correct) an incorrect location of marriage on a membership record?
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Re: Notifications for membership clerks

Post by eblood66 »

Find the member's profile in LCR, select the Family tab, click on the pencil icon next to the word Marriage, and select Edit Marriage.
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Re: Notifications for membership clerks

Post by chriswoodut »

I wish the notifications would show up on the LCR dashboard (the first page when you log in). That location already tells us when there are new photos to approve. If they could just make that the default notification area, we could see the finance notifications (waiting for approvals), photo notifications, records moved in/out, etc.

It is hard to keep track of all of the advancements, moves, blessings, baptisms, etc, if you're not in the meetings. Therefore, we do not use a membership clerk. We have split the responsibilities between the ward clerk and the executive secretary. Much of the changes can actually be done during the meetings rather than sending a message to a ward clerk, waiting a week for him to take care of it, etc. We can do it while sitting in meetings -- it's faster, more accurate, and less to track.

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