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Post by mtmbear9808 »

I just returned home from the Pageant in Rochester, NY I was so impressed at how many visitors were there. I don't understand why it is being discontinued. I believe it is a wonderful missionary tool. Please explain why,
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Re: Pageant

Post by jdlessley »

mtmbear9808 wrote:Please explain why,
The forum is primarily user-to-user support and discussion. It is unlikely that those who are in a position to know the answer will ever see your post. We can speculate and discuss possibilities, but your best source is to ask your bishop to make inquiry through the priesthood up line authorities for your answer.

Sometimes you will find media announcements for such things. Try Church News and other church media outlets for news items.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Pageant

Post by russellhltn »

You can read the newsroom article here.

I suspect the underlying issue is that the events have become a drain on the local members with little results in the way of converts. The events have taken on a life of their own and consume more than they give in return. The large group of people you were with were most likely active members.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Pageant

Post by GM0406 »

Served in Eastern States Mission and Cumorah Mission 62-64. Not sure what the statistics are for non member attendance or the actual impact of Pageant. And also do not know the financial impact. Like all other administrative operations from the control center for this world to the Church administration of Pageants, we best defer to what we don't know and what the Brethren do know. As with all we personally witness, our covenants include obedience which means we support the decisions of those leading us. Looking back, who would have predicted the dempanic we are in now? Can you imagine a socially distanced Pageant? Best to defer to the Lord, and His Church, and realize they know more than we do.

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