This makes sense to me and is likely the reason behind what is communicated, but it would be helpful for them to go out of their way to help a lay volunteer understand how it works rather than saying... we don't do that.. you do, etc...russellhltn wrote:If the ward or stake is paying the phone company, then I can see where the FM group wants that unit to report the problem to the phone company. Otherwise the Telco is likely to say something like "who are you?"
"He who pays" is automatically recognized. Everyone else has to be somehow added to the account as an authorized person.
In my head I couldn't figure out why the FMG wasn't going to switch the phone line for the clerk office to the other side of the bishop's office.... They just said it wasn't their job.. honestly it didn't occur to me to call the phone company, neither did they say to me to call the phone company... it's just 2 wires.. I've been doing that work in my home for 20 years....