FHC Application Finder

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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by rick.winterton »

Actually, your (Biggles) note that everything works as an administrator works for me. That's the solution -- you have to log on as an administrator. This didn't used to be the case, but I guess it is now. I used to run Application Finder, and when I installed something, the operating system would request an administrator's password. This saved me from logging off and on a couple of times, but it's not a big deal to me.

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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by Biggles »

I'm fairly certain that when logged in as a Patron, that the premium sites are accessible. I'll check the next time I'm in our FHC. If that proves to be the case, you indeed have a problem.

Being logged in as an Administrator, leaves the computer open to all sorts of trouble. Something I found out about on a Clerk computer, used by some over enthusiastic missionaries. I subsequently created an additional Standard account on all the Clerk computers used by missionaries. This was several years ago, shortly after I was called as the STS.
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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by russellhltn »

Biggles wrote:When logged in as a Patron, they should be able to access the premium sites. I think jabastow is saying that this isn't happening. He doesn't mention anything about installing programs.
Perhaps. I seem to remember there's a script that has to be run for each Windows user that needs to access the premium sites. I'm not sure if running it as Admin will fix the patron account. I'm sure that was the case at one time - I'm just not sure if it's still true.
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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by ShawLH »

Here is the answer to your questions.

Error message shown when you try to run the FHC_Application_Finder:  "Tivoli is not installed and is a requirement. Exiting."

Root cause:
The FHC_Application_Finder.exe makes two checks regarding Tivoli:
1)  It first checks to see if the Tivoli executable exists within the "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\" folder.  
2)  It then verifies that the Tivoli service (aka BES Client) is running.  

Sometimes the User Access Control (UAC) is blocking the Patron account from accessing the "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\" folder in the c:\Program Files (x86)\ directory, or the Patron account on the computer doesn't have the NTFS permissions to read data from that folder. 

Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
1. With the normal patron user account currently logged into the Windows system, attempt to access the "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\" folder, when the User Access Control dialog appears stating that you need Administrator permissions to access that folder, click to allow access.

Once the folder opens, this should be sufficient in fixing the problem.  Accessing the folder only needs to occur one time.

2.  Close the "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\" folder window and retry running the FHC_Applications_Finder.

If the problem continues do the following:
3. Log in under the Administrator account on the computer.
4. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise (Tivoli default folder).
5. Right-click on the BES Client folder, and choose Properties.
6. Navigate to the Security tab, and press Advanced. Note that under the "Group or usernames," the patron account is missing:
7. On the advanced tab, click on Change permissions..., then Add..., then Advanced..., then Find Now, and then from the list of Names, select Patron. Then click OK, then OK again, and make sure that List folder / read data and Read attributes are both allowed. Then click Apply and then OK.
8. Now log in back under the patron account again, and the issue with the FHC_Application_Finder and Tivoli should be resolved.
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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by Biggles »

If I run into this problem in the future, I've now got the solution! Many thanks.
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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by darrengreer »

Confirming that the above recommendation from @ShawnLH works. However, with our FHC PCs, the location of the BES folder was: "C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\". A quick change to the permissions as was outlined resolved the issue.
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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by Biggles »

darrengreer wrote:Confirming that the above recommendation from @ShawnLH works. However, with our FHC PCs, the location of the BES folder was: "C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\". A quick change to the permissions as was outlined resolved the issue.
The change in folder indicates that BigFix has been installed in the 64bit program folder, as opposed to the (Older) 32bit folder. In other words the program has probably been updated to work with the 64bit architecture.
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Re: FHC Application Finder

Post by russellhltn »

Biggles wrote:The change in folder indicates that BigFix has been installed in the 64bit program folder, as opposed to the (Older) 32bit folder. In other words the program has probably been updated to work with the 64bit architecture.
Either that, or the computer in question is running Windows 32-bit.
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