Finding cousins who need baptism and confirmations

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Re: Finding cousins who need baptism and confirmations

Post by Giraffelitis »

There is this new app available as a chrome extension that will give you a nice spreadsheet you can sort an filter. I found 9000 green temple names by running this. It took it 29 hours to complete but I may never have to run it again. It even links the spreadsheet to family search to make it easier to request the ordinances you want and have a trove of work to do without having to reserve a bunch of names that other people may be able to use. ... h?hl=en-US

It seems pretty simple to use you just sign in and enter the familysearch ID you want to start on and it runs in the background.
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Re: Finding cousins who need baptism and confirmations

Post by russellhltn »

Giraffelitis wrote:It took it 29 hours to complete but I may never have to run it again.
I disagree. Since it searches descendancy, I'd expect new people to be added as they pass on.

And like other tools, it can only search people who have been added to Family Search. So it may need to be run from time to time, but probably with years between runs.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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