Gospel Library for Sony Reader or Kindle

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Gospel Library for Sony Reader or Kindle

Post by gregfcarlson-p40 »

Does anyone know of any work going on to put the Scriptures, church magazines, lesson manuals, etc. on either the Sony Reader (PRS-50x) or the Amazon Kindle? I think some formatting (both file format and amount of content per page) would be required to make them readable.
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Post by thedqs »

There might be a 3rd party (I do not know of one yet) but from what I understand the church no longer tries to convert the curriculum over to multiple formats and instead lets the community do it for them. So you can always get a group together and start.
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Post by WelchTC »

gregfcarlson wrote:Does anyone know of any work going on to put the Scriptures, church magazines, lesson manuals, etc. on either the Sony Reader (PRS-50x) or the Amazon Kindle? I think some formatting (both file format and amount of content per page) would be required to make them readable.
To my knowledge the Church has not addressed ebook formats yet.

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Post by dbbanner-p40 »

You can purchase the triple combination for PDAs from Amazon on the Kindle. The Kindle will run .prc and .mobi files natively. If you search the web for "lds scriptures mobipocket", you can find mobi files of the lds scriptures with the indexes, bible dictionary, etc. The church has made many of its publications available for download in .pcr format at http://www.lds.org/handheld/newarchive/ ... -2,00.html. These can be downloaded to your pc or mac and uploaded to the Kindle.
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Post by GreyWolf68 »

I have a Sony Reader, and have been able to read the "Teachings of the Presidents of the Church" manuals on it in PDF format. A recent firmware update by Sony has also made reflowing of PDF documents possible, making it at least feasible to read things such as Church magazines.

I would like to see more made available properly formatted for dedicated ebook readers, and would even like to help, though I have no experience in the type of formatting necessary.
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Post by JamesAnderson »

Alan Mann, the 'gadget guy' at the FHL always talks about the latest things at genealogy conferences, and he puts his syllabus materials online on his site.

He said that there seems to be a proprietary format for the Kindle, and that it doesn't do .pdf or blog/RSS feeds. He did say there are others that do a better job with multiple formats. His presentation in Provo about gadgets last month is online, and it tells a litle more about the handhelds and what they can and can't do. There were other things on that page that are separate from this discussion, but he covered PDA-type devices well enough.
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Post by WelchTC »

GreyWolf wrote:I have a Sony Reader, and have been able to read the "Teachings of the Presidents of the Church" manuals on it in PDF format. A recent firmware update by Sony has also made reflowing of PDF documents possible, making it at least feasible to read things such as Church magazines.

I would like to see more made available properly formatted for dedicated ebook readers, and would even like to help, though I have no experience in the type of formatting necessary.
I have a Sony Reader as well but whenever I put a PDF on the device, the font is too small to read...even if I make the font bigger. Did you do anything special or am I just getting old and having a problem with my vision?

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Post by GreyWolf68 »

tomw wrote:I have a Sony Reader as well but whenever I put a PDF on the device, the font is too small to read...even if I make the font bigger. Did you do anything special or am I just getting old and having a problem with my vision?

There is a firmware update available for the PRS-505 which enables reflowing of the text in PDF files, allowing for much larger font sizes. If you have the PRS-500, there probably isn't much you can do unless you have software to convert PDF files into plain text.
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Post by WelchTC »

GreyWolf wrote:There is a firmware update available for the PRS-505 which enables reflowing of the text in PDF files, allowing for much larger font sizes. If you have the PRS-500, there probably isn't much you can do unless you have software to convert PDF files into plain text.
Ahh, I have a PRS-500 so I guess I am stuck. Thanks for the info!

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Scriptures for Sony PRS300 'non touch' screen reader

Post by ggoehring »

I have now completed epub versions of The Old Testament, The New Testament, The Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and The Doctrine and Covenants in html and epub versions which are suitable for navigation on ereaders without the Touch Screen capability (my Sony PRS300 eReader, for example). The current versions include:

1. Two-layer navigation index (Book...Genesist) and (Chapter)
2. Because some of these devices are slow to move around in, I found it useful to include the Book name in each Chapter Heading...thus, when you open any chapter in a given book, you get 2 Nephi Chap 3 (example only).
3. I also kept the books separate as it seemed to improve navigation speed (am guessing it is due to dumping and loading internal memory).

Please feel free to use these resources at no cost.

I am not trying to compete with the Church's recent release. I just haven't been able to get the new release to load with good navigation control on my device. Options are always good, yes? This effort took me too much time not to share.

You can access them at:


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