Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

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Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by lomondview »

Recently Elder Nelson visited our stake in order to reorganize its presidency. While here in a stake priesthood leadership meeting he asked what questions we had for him. I liked this approach but would have liked to ask him questions confidentially, perhaps not in the same room as all of the other stake priesthood leaders. Is there a way I can do that?

Elder Nelson's visit was very edifying and I find that when the General Authorities visit, the Spirit is present at a higher level compared to the satellite broadcast. To bridge the gap somewhat, what are the chances that hologram tech could be used to display the broadcast General Authority, as if they were speaking at the podium?
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by gregwanderson »

Can you give an example of this hologram technology? As far as I know it only exists in science fiction (but, in fairness, unless new technology is available from Best Buy, Amazon or B&H Photo I probably won't know much about it anyway).
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by johnshaw »

The latest Tech Conference Oct 2015 mentioned that the church is looking at both virtual reality and augmented reality - I imagine it'll be a long time before something like you're talking about it the case. I am very convinced, personally, that an in-person event is in no way less spiritual than viewing the event remotely, the spirit speaks as the testimony is given, regardless of proximity.
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by lajackson »

If you did not ask the questions during priesthood leadership meeting, and they are important to you, you should ask your bishop, who may also refer you to your stake president. Your stake president is authorized to communicate with General Authorities when there is a need. See Handbook 2, 21.1.24.

And our little projector in the chapel does not handle hologram technology very well, either. In fact, it barely passes old fashioned television technology through its lens. It would be fun to see, though.
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by sbradshaw »

Usually the Church isn't the first to adopt new technology. They're not usually the last, either. However, I wouldn't expect to see anything like that until at least a few other global organizations start using it and it has a chance to prove itself on that scale.
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by sbradshaw »

If it were done at this point, it would probably be more of a distraction.
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by lmcguire »

sbradshaw wrote:If it were done at this point, it would probably be more of a distraction.
I'm having visions of little children running "through" the hologram and laughing their heads off. (Their parents are mortified while everyone else is trying really, really hard to keep from giggling, and wishing they were children and could get away with the same.) :lol:

Yeah, better to let us get bored with the technology first so it doesn't distract.
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by lomondview »

Holho has products that would allow this.
Local members could pay for the tech...but I imagine it would then need to be approved by everyone in the chain of command.
I'll just set it up at my house and proceed accordingly....but then again, that would work for General Conference but not stake conference or regional conferences? Hmm....any techies know of connections available for people who physically can't make it to stake conference? In remote areas perhaps?
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by lomondview »

Also, when you can shake the hand of a General Authority, there is a difference - it is a stronger, more spiritual impression - than wrestling all my kids hoping the satteltie broadcast volume adjusts upward for background noise, which it also doesn't.
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Re: Hologram and questions for General Authorities?

Post by johnshaw »

This ^^ is something that, while probably off-topic for a tech board, concerns me about the Church. I have wrestled with my kids in Stake Conference just like everyone else, regardless of whether and Apostle is there or not, my experience is what I Bring, not whether someone with a big name comes from Salt Lake. What makes a difference is whether the experience is smooth or not.

The issue with a broadcast you're talking about is that it distracts or takes away from the experience. This is why Simple is always preferred to complicated.
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