Best practices for Facebook

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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by kellymab »

You can create pages or groups for both stakes and wards. Due to the sensitive nature of personal contact information often shares in there formats, I would suggest groups for both. This is what my current stake has.
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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

Thank you, when you say "formats" what are you referring to? Does this have to do with a person that makes a post and that persons profile?

Also if you do the Stake as a group, is there a clerk that is monitoring as to weather a particular person is actually a member of that stake? Does it matter?
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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by sbradshaw »

I agree with kellymab that for a ward you will probably want a group.

For a stake, whether you want a group or a page depends on how much you want people to interact. In our stake, we decided that we wanted interaction and fellowshipping to be strongest on the ward level (i.e. Facebook group) and on the stake level we just want to broadcast information (i.e. Facebook page).

I think that having a Facebook group for a stake would be difficult to manage and would invite a lot of spam posts, however, it may work better for some stakes than others.
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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

Ok, I think I will recommend to the Bishop that we do a group, and add only members of the ward and N.M. that will benefit from it. So just from memory we will want the following:
  1. Using an appropriate name. something like friends and events of (our ward).
  2. Having the name and phone number posted of who is responsible for the group.
  3. Stating that it is not an official site of or represent the LDS church.
  4. A short list of guild lines or rules.
  5. State the purpose of this group.
Have I stated 1-5 correctly?
The part about the rules-is it really necessary---or could it be a sentence of say--- Is it kind, is it true, will it help-- or something to this end?
Please share your thoughts.
Thank you for your input.
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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by russellhltn »

1968leocomeeatabite wrote:The part about the rules-is it really necessary---or could it be a sentence of say--- Is it kind, is it true, will it help-- or something to this end?
I don't think the rules have to be detailed or long, but I do think it's worth saying that posts that violate certain guidelines will be removed and that people might be removed from the group. Guidelines as far as membership (limited to current stake members? People living in stake boundaries?) would be a good idea as well.

The problem is, if you don't set down some rules upfront, when you act it will seem as capricious. You don't want people to get the idea that "this is the internet, anything goes."
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

Very good thank you much. I like what you said about having the rules up front short and concise, then maybe a link to the guidelines on People need to know what is expected and what the purpose of this is.
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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

I am aware that the handbook states that pictures and personal info should not be published unless given consent. This would be for a group. does it apply to a group?
We are also advised that the personal information in the directory is up to the member and needs their permission to be in the directory.

I am a little bewildered, that tagging (is there a difference between being in a photo but not being tagged/) on face book it self does not seem to need permission, but for a group that does not represent the LDS church such as a ward still needs to have the permission. I really wonder how many of our stakes are really doing this? It seems to be a very intense and involved process to get the permission papers for all the activities that happen in a ward or stake. Is this permission for each photo or could a onetime paper be signed by all members of the group and put on file?

Is the permission the same for a page and a group needed? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by kellymab »

Yes you do need consent, but I think verbal is ok for pictures of adults. Children may need written permission. That's what my ward does. If someone wants a picture removed, an admin does it.

Your rules look good. You can add the contacts phone number of you want, but it's not necessary. Just remember anything in the info box is public. It is a good habit for the admins to check their "other" message folder as non friend messages may end up there from people wishing to communicate.
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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by russellhltn »

Good question. My personal feeling is that the permissions thing was aimed at those who post in behalf of the church, quorum, auxiliary, or part of their calling. I don't know as it was meant to control what other members who are only participants post. That's certainly not the way Facebook generally works. However, I can see how someone might not be happy about having their picture or information posted - particularly if they've been tagged. If they request that it be removed, it should be honored.

I think that's something that needs to be discussed with the leadership. Maybe allowing members to post photos of the events isn't such a good idea. It might be acceptable in a YSA ward, but not acceptable in a ward with older members who are not comfortable with Facebook.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Best practices for Facebook

Post by kellymab »

So I just looked at the "Use of Online Resources in Church Callings" and it says written consent is needed. Honestly, we rarely have pictures posted. If there are pictures, it is usually to a members personal profile page and not in the group.

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